IMPORT by patrasche - Standard2021/08/01 07:33:19tyYojinoboriXCheckmate, Sente is victorious55 movesKIF import by patrasche
IMPORT by patrasche - Standard2024/02/04 09:00藤井聡太棋王伊藤匠七段Sente to play94 movesKIF import by patrasche
IMPORT by patrasche - Standard コンピューター(LV2)プレイヤーCheckmate, Gote is victorious112 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by patrasche
IMPORT by patrasche - Standard 先手 / 後手: 後手?Sente to play172 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by patrasche
IMPORT by patrasche - Standard コンピューター(LV3)プレイヤーCheckmate, Gote is victorious102 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by patrasche