Engine level 1 taunts human opponent

I like the rare moments when I think I make small improvements.

Situation - The enemy drops an aggressive rook and I panic! It attacks my bishop and a pawn!

My original plan - Move my king to the left. Try and defend the bishop. This will sacrifice a pawn, let the enemy rook promote and cover all of the silvers. Feel bad. :(

My better plan - I can place a silver at 3-3 to block the enemy rook and the silver will also cover my bishop! Feel great! :D

My realisation as I look at this now - Engine level 1 has two golds in hand... My king is undefended... There is an enemy silver I ignored in front of my king... Drop both golds on my king and I am just dead... Oh Engine level 1... Why do you toy with me? :(

Feel bad :'(

Low level game analysis. ^_^


You could try one of the random mover bots, but ig they get themselves taunted too easily :(

YaneuraOu is quite a strong engine (even at level 1) and over that Suisho NNUE evaluation.

Engine Level 1 will never mate you. I played a lot of games against it and provoke the engine to mate me, but it never mates.

I noticed that too. Look at this game between engine level 1 and randommoverbot . The bot played random moves, but just never lost, even though it was down on material.


It’s good it doesn’t mate opponent. At least there are higher chances of winning :D

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