Hi! I’m new here! Just tried making a lishogi bot after making a bunch of changes in github.com/ShailChoksi/lichess-bot . But i faced a bunch of errors (probably due to my lack of experience). The changes i made allows the bot to play other variants too, but ony if allowed.
If anybody coud help me I’,d be really grateful. Here’s my repo github.com/TheYoBots/Lishogi-Bot
Created an issue too github.com/WandererXII/lishogi/issues/156
PS: I think it’s pretty clear what the bot account is.
Lishogi Bot
Nice that there is a bot account. I hope more bot accounts do get created on the lishogi server, to test various strengths of engines.
Honestly I don't know of any strong shogi (or any other chess-like game) engines other than Fairy. I'm fairly certain every BOT on lishogi.org is going to be using Fairy-Stockfish as that's the strongest engine freely available.
Looking forward to expanding the bot community :)
Fairy is not really close to the best engines for shogi, free or otherwise. There are a heap of engines out there, most of which compete on the floodgate server: http://wdoor.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/shogi/index-e.html
A number are even open source, like YaneuraOu which lishogi now uses for server-side analysis of regular games and for the games vs AI.
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