Problem #ttWwe

In problem #ttWwe Golden general could move to 44 and there wouldn't be any benefit. So, it seems to me that the move the site shows is not the best.

According to YaneuraOu, it is the best:

57.角x22+ 58.玉x 59.角*77 // Until here is the solution (gives a ~ 1600 rating for this problem)
-------- 60.金*44 // Blocks the check and attacks sente's rook, the point of your comment
---------------- 61.飛x 62.飛x89+ 63.金*69 64.歩x44 // Capturing the gold directly with the rook is very bad...
---------------- 61.桂*34 // This is the line the problem should include. I give just 2 possibles defenses:
------------------------ 62.玉-33 63.銀*22 64.玉x34 65.飛x44 66.歩x 67.金*35 68.玉-43 69.金x44 70.玉-42 71.角x86 (best)
------------------------ 62.玉-12 63.角x44
------------------------------------------------ 64.歩x?? 65.金*22 // Mate
------------------------------------------------ 64.飛x89+ 65.玉-68 // Leads to a long forced mate

I think you are right, there is a stubborn defense by gote, starting with 60.金*44. There is the "thumbs down" red button if you don't like it, but in my opinion, just for the fun of this annalysis, I would give it the OK!

Sorry if the formatting is not the best...

Thank you. What do you mean by "According to YaneuraOu"?

That is Lishogi's analysis engine, you can find the toggle button on top of the move list.

Thank you. I think, your thumb attitude is wise.

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