タクティクスの正解よりいい手を指したんですけど不正解にされました。#vgllk の正解が間違っています。

#vGLLK のタクティクス問題、初手△4七銀(S*47)からの21手詰と思って指すと不正解にされました。



For those who don’t know, this is the link to the puzzle he is talking about lishogi.org/training/vGLLK

@Mr_Tanishist Could you please mention the exact moves that should have been played and what was done instead? Google translate doesn’t seem to understand.

Google translate from English to Japanese: (Googleは英語から日本語に翻訳します:)


@Mr_Tanishist プレイすべき正確な動きと、代わりに何が行われたかについて教えてください。 Google翻訳は理解していないようです。

Also if you find any puzzle that is wrong, you can downvote it after it is done and it will be reviewed and if it is really bad it will be removed.

I think S*47 is the correct answer for 66th instead of B*25 because it can make checkmate.
My tactics rate was 21 reduced.
I’m poor at English... sorry...

How does S*47 work? That just gives away a free piece. I don’t see progress from that move. What move would follow S*47?

@Mr_Tanishist 現状downvote(低評価)を押すことで自然に削除されるのを待つしかありません

S*47 Kx47 B*25 K-56 N*64 K-66 B*55 K-75 P-74 K-65 B-47+ Kx54 +B65 Kx65 Bx88+ Lx15 R*55 Kx74 S*85 Kx63 L*62
I think it's a checkmate.

It's such a chaotic game......
This puzzle is set up deliberately, I think.
