Clear Puzzle progress

Is it possible to clear your puzzle progress, clearing all puzzles played so far and resetting your rating to the default (1500)? If not, could I put in a request for this feature.

One use case would be to challenge yourself to reach as high a rating as possible in, say, a 2 hour session. There may be other use cases.


The entire progress reset function is not really necessary. A puzzle rush mode would do it. The lishogi developers certainly have considered it, as you can find a mention of "tsume storm" in your user profile. Maybe this feature will become available before long.

@SG: The problem with "Puzzle Rush" as implemented on lichess, is that you are forced to use their parameters (primarily time). If a "Puzzle Rush" were implemented with a configurable length of time, that would be very close to the feature I'm suggesting.

Possibly simpler to implement would be a "Temporarily reset rating" option. When selected, your rating (for the selection of puzzles) is reset to the default (1500). Your temporary rating fluctuates as normal relative to the puzzles you solve or fail to solve.

But the puzzle itself would not lose or gain rating points according to this temporary rating: either the puzzle rating does not change while the solver is in this temporary mode, or your "background" usual puzzle rating is used to modify the puzzle rating (and your background puzzle rating could also change in addition to the temporary rating).

Then, when you exit this training mode (at a time of your choice or when you log off), your usual rating is restored.

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