Is there a way to have the English initials written on the pieces rather than Japanese?

Hi, I'm a new player here and came here from I was just wondering if there is any setting to get the English initials (for example K for King, GG for gold general, SG for silver general, N for Knight, L for lance etc) on the pieces because as a new player who has barely heard about Shogi before, it is very frustrating to understand what piece is what.

There is no piece set (until now) with English initials, but there are some alternatives, for example the piece set in the 3rd row 3rd column gives the direction that particular piece moves.

As a fellow new player from lichess, I also struggled at first to recognise the pieces, though after playing a couple of games I've gotten used to it. Like YoBot said, there's no piece set with Engish initials. One thing you could do is memorise the starting position, and then keep track of each piece as the game progresses, and after some games you may get used to it, though it can be hard to keep up with all the piece drops. Yo_Bot's suggestion is also good.

You can use the cute animal set on the last row, 2nd column. It shows the directions each piece can move, if you find the kanji to be intimidating.

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