Swiss Classical tournament #2 - Round 1 - Board 1- Olekaze vs DoubleD91

The tournament will start on Tuesday, 23th, 00:00 UTC. Have fun!

Hey dear opponent, as previosly mentioned on discord I ll be able to play Friday, Saturday or Sunday, to start the game I d say either in the morning (07-09 UTC) or in the afternoon (11-14 UTC)

sorry for the delay, friday 13:00 UTC works for me

I am sorry but I have already made a commitment for this afternoon; at around 14-15 UTC I ll have to leave.
Please propose alternatives, any time during the weekend that might fit you. I remember you that you should be offering more than a single proposal.
As an alternative, we might adjourn earlier than the 2 hours limit. Let me know asap @Olekaze

EDIT: as an alternative, I remember you we also have Monday available.

i'm also available saturday and monday at 13 utc

We can start the game in a few minutes, though I m not sure when I ll have to go. If it's ok to you we do it, just know in advance we might have to adjourn slightly earlier than the two hours limit. It's not 100% sure but I might need to go earlier. If it's ok with you we can start in about 10 minutes

Hey dude, we still didn't plan when to finish the game. I m available tomorrow, on Sunday or Monday (let s say starting at 8-9 UTC or 13-15 UTC would be optimal). Let me know. Tomorrow I m available in the afternoon only.

