In this problem after 1.N’33 2.Px, there are 2 moves that lead to checkmate on move 7:
3.S’32 4.K51 5.R’41 6.K62 7.R71+, checkmate, which is the accepted answer
3.R61 4.G’51 5.S’32 6.K42 7.S31+, checkmate, which is not accepted
Either both solutions should be accepted or the problem should be removed...
Incorrect exercise kbjBT
After 6. K-42, you are correct that it is a mate.
The second line is not accepted because 6. K-52 and there is no mate.
There is a White Gold on 52, so 6.K52 is not a move.
My line was after Gote drops on 51 on move 4.
If instead Gote moves backwards with 4.G51(52) , then 5.S’52 is an immediate checkmate.
Ok, actually the White S63 defends.
Ah, I thought you meant 4. G(52)-51. That's not mate because then the king can indeed move to 52, like I said.
But Gote would not play 4. G*51 on move 4 either, that WOULD be mate. Playing G(52)-51 is the only defense.
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