Start with Pieces Removed?

Hello there. This is my first post, so apologies if I get anything wrong.

I was wondering if there was a way (or if not, are there plans to include) a feature to start with fewer pieces? Like for example, if I want to start the game without a bishop for an added challenge? I tried looking on the site, but had no success finding anything.

Thank you for your time.


When you create a game against the computer, or challenge a person directly, you can use the "from position" menu, where you can set the board up in any way you choose

Thanks for the help!

Also, I was trying to input this setup and for some reason, the game won't let me start it. Do you know why that is? Thanks!
The code is:
/1r4p2/7P1/P8/2GPPPP1P/2S6/LN2K1G1L w RBPsn2p 1

@NickAlexander That SFEN is invalid and only has 6 ranks of pieces, I think you may have not copied the entire SFEN. Shogi boards are 9x9, so you need 9 ranks. The telling fact is that SFEN only has one king on the board! Be sure and copy everything that's in the SFEN box, the SFEN doesn't visually fit entirely inside it, because it's too long.

Here's a "Fixed" version of what you had, unfortunately gote's pieces are missing, and you'll have to replace those yourself.
9/9/9/1r4p2/7P1/P8/2GPPPP1P/2S6/LN2K1G1L w RBPsn2p 1

Thanks for your response!

I used the board editor and selected the 'continue from here' option. However, the SFEN is in red and it won't let me start the game as a result. I'm wondering if this is something that can be fixed?

I would send a screenshot of what I'm trying to achieve, but I can't seem to attach screenshots here.

@NickAlexander Yes. The SFEN you supplied before is missing pieces. I only added in the "9/9/9/" (3 ranks of 9 empty squares each) at the beginning so that it has the correct number of ranks. Gote (white) is still missing most of their pieces - most importantly, the king! Any position that doesn't have two kings is an illegal position of course, that's why the game can't start.
I don't know what your original position was, because the SFEN you gave didn't have all the pieces on it. You'll have to either find that position again and re-copy it, or remember where the pieces were and place them on the board in the board editor.

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