Byoyomi glitch with checkmate


I've noticed what appears to be a glitch with byoyomi.

In this game

I made the checkmate move as my main time ran out, but before byoyomi started (15 sec). My opponent was awarded a loss on time.

We seem to have had this once before, but it might not have been reported.


Yeah, maybe lishogi thought you ran out of time on the previous move? It says you took 20 sec on that last move, but it also says that you had 1.0 sec left.


This same bug was reported yesterday in the MSO shogi event hosted on
I believe it uses the same /similar code .

The organisers found the bug.

Extract from tournament chat:
"Mind-Sports-Ol If a player enters their Byoyomi period and then delivers checkmate, they
are incorrectly marked as the loser on a timeout."

I believe it is James Heppell who found the bug.
It happens only if the checkmate move is also the move on which byoyomi is triggered

Could you have a check?

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