Pawns, what do you do with them.

The biggest struggle i have when playing this game is figuring out what pawn to move first, i do not like the fact that i blindly pick one and move one, i would rather know which ones to pick for specific goals.

Usually you start with P76 to open for the Bishop or P26 for a Rook attack. Watch some games and you will get a sense for it.

The same principle is in play during shogi openings as in chess (at least in the traditional chess opening theory): what moves allow for further development? What moves make possible moves previously unavailable to you? Taking this in consideration, as dannebubben mentioned, P76 is the most common opening in pro games, as it opens the bishop diagonal. Alternatively, you can advance the rook's pawn to put pressure on the opponent's bishop head.

Or move the Center Pawn and go for Cheerful Central Rook play. These three pawns are the most common in the first move. Sometimes, playing either of the edge pawn first is also okay. The less likely to be played and probably shouldn't be played as a first move is moving your Bishop's Pawn or the Third Pawn (3-7), (7-3) from the Rook's side as both open up the weak point of their respective adjacent major piece.

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