
Pawn: Forward
Knight: Forward like a classic knight
Silver General: One square front forward diagonally and orthogonally and backs like bishop, but, one square only and no left or right
Gold General: One square front forward diagonally and orthogonally and backs like rook, but, one square only
Bishop: Like classic bishop
Rook: Like classic rook
Tokin: Promoted Pawn. Sees Gold General. One square front forward diagonally and orthogonally and backs like rook, but, one square only.
Disnight: Promoted Knight. Sees Gold General. One square front forward diagonally and orthogonally and backs like rook, but, one square only.
Shama: Promoted Silver General Sees Gold General. One square front forward diagonally and orthogonally and backs like rook, but, one square only.
Horse: Promoted Bishop. Like Bishop, but, can move like king too!
Dragon: Promoted Rook. Like Rook, but, can move like king too!

I think the knight here is not like a classic knight. Classic knight have 4 forward moves, but shogi's knight only has 2 forward moves.

Also, you forgot about lance and its promoted one.

I know Shogi's Knight is 2 move forwards and no backwards

You can't post in the forums yet. Play some games!
