Search "user:lovecall"

62 forum posts
General Shogi Discussion - Real pieces-handicap game here, guys! Come Watch!#5

@gr3mlin Well, you could try again, but with pictures instead of Kanjis this time, perhaps. If you still do want to. XD

General Shogi Discussion - Real pieces-handicap game here, guys! Come Watch!#3

@gr3mlin You can just ask them to change their pieces setting to pictures like in Western chess though? I don't see the problem.

General Shogi Discussion - Real pieces-handicap game here, guys! Come Watch!#1

I just had a talk with my Go friend who invited me to start Shogi. We decided to play a game together again after so long with a 2-pieces handicap. If you are interested, you can come and see the game…

General Shogi Discussion - How to increase users ユーザーを増やすには#4

Like I said in one of my previous posts: Implementing Unrated Pieces Handicaps System to be more easily available even against completely random players.…

Lishogi Feedback - Regarding the rules of Minishogi: Repetition#11

@NNWill @DonkeyKong Oh, my goodness! It went kind of viral, lmao. Thank you for everyone's attention to the topic. Personally, I think the rule was indeed established for Minishogi by the Federation o…

Lishogi Feedback - Regarding the rules of Minishogi: Repetition#4

@NNWill If the same position (with the same side to move and same pieces in hand) occurs for the fourth time, the game ends and the final result is a loss for t…

Lishogi Feedback - Regarding the rules of Minishogi: Repetition#1

I want the Devs to look at this game. I thought that the repetition in Minishogi results in a win for the Gote? Why was it a draw? Or does Lishogi have their own uniqu…

General Shogi Discussion - Приложение на Андроид.#5

It kind of not working on Android when doing a computer analysis - Learning from your mistakes. But it is good enough to play a normal game on it. (Though, you also usually misclicked a game in lobby …

Lishogi Feedback - Make casual (unrated) handicap games possible.#3

@YoBot_v2 I have already known that method before I made my post, actually. In fact, the reason I came to know lishogi or shogi at all is because of a play-with-friends, handicap game in the first pla…

Lishogi Feedback - Correspondence game ending by time, how to avoid this?#12

@YoBot_v2 Yes, I kinda agree with you there. The ability to unilaterally add time to your opponent's clock sounds better, actually.
