詰将棋のルール (日本将棋連盟HPより)

1. 攻め方(先手)が玉方(後手)の玉を詰ますのが目的。
2. 攻め方は必ず王手をかける(玉方は必ず王手をはずす)。
3. 玉方は盤上と攻め方の持駒以外すべての駒(ただし玉は除く)を合駒として使用できる。
4. 玉方は最善を尽くし、最も長く手数がかかるように逃げる。
5. 玉方は無駄な合駒をしない。
6. その他は指し将棋のルール通り。二歩、打ち歩詰め、行き所のない駒、連続王手の千日手はいけない。

Rules of Tsume-Shogi
(Translated from the website of the Japan Shogi Association into English by Hanimi-chan)

1. The purpose of this puzzle is that the attacker side (Sente) checkmates the King of the king's side (Gote).
2. The attacker side must check on every move. (The king's side must take off check.)
3. The king's side can use all pieces as piece in hand except for pieces on the board, attacker's pieces and King.
4. The king's side must do your best and escape to be longer game.
5. The king's side must not drop no-use interposition.
6. Other than that, the rules are the same as for standard shogi. Two Pawns, Pawn-drop mate, a piece that can never be moved, perpetual check (repetition with successive check) are illegal.
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  3. HoneyMint1はこちら→ lishogi.org/study/4PRmqVzi/A8Bgo7N2