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1P-88Activating the 竜馬 and 角行. This game is from from 中象戯補録集 (1710), a collection of kifu. It was uploaded to Lishogi by Tepin.2P-553Ln-68The lion is a powerful piece, and it is worth it to develop it early.4P-855P-58These long range pieces support the lion.6Ph-547Ph-898P-65Creating space for the Kirin.9P-7810Kr-6411Kr-7912D-6213D-7b14P-a515FK-6bThe queen can assist with defense.16H-b5馬 and 角 are often placed on this strong diagonal.17P-3818D83-72A 2 Dragon Castle is being built. Some other features of a classical opening are marked here.19H-28This opening is largely symmetrical.20FK-8321P-c822C-9223C-9b24C-9325C-8a26C-84Maneuvering weak pieces such as the generals toward the center is and important step before starting an attack. These pieces put pressure on the opponent.27Ln-67Further centralizing the powerful lion.28FK-a129C-4b30R-8331C-4a32C-4233C-5934Kr-7535P-5736P-66!?An interesting pawn sacrifice to open lines. Pawns in chu shogi matter far less than they do in chess.37Lnx!66Sente uses a "sitting capture" (igui in Japanese). It is as if the pawn just disappeared from the board.38Ln-6539Ln-4739.P-c740P-3541C-58The copper generals slowly enter the fray. As in shogi, the game can often center on pawn breaks, and generals help to support them.42P-8643Kr-6844C-8545C-7946C-5347SM-c9This powerful move defends the entry to sente's camp. This is a good square to place a side mover, which is a valuable defender. Rooks can also be used for this purpose.48VM-a349P-c750P-c551GB-9752Ln-7652.Hx9753.Ph-a754.H-b555.Phxc556.H-a4Prnej commented that this might be why Gote didn't capture the go-between.57.Phxa3+58.Hxa359.SM-c853Ph-a7And it is defended on the next move.54SM-c455GB-98This move is also hard to understand.56H-25Sente's most valuable piece is attacked here, and sente must decide where to retreat it.56.Ln-9657.Ph-8957Ln-5958P-8759Ph-89Sente makes a wise decision to defend rather than allow gote's lion to invade.59.Px8760.Lnx8760C-86Gote continues to put pressure on the 88 square.60.Px8861.Phx8861.Cx8861SM-c8And sente adds indirect defense.62FL-b2It is also very important to bring the ferocious leopards onto the front lines directly behind your pawns.63S-9b64S-9265FL-bb66S-9367S-8a68S-84Now the silver generals (familiar from shogi) are brought forward. These are used in almost exactly the same manner as in standard shogi.69H-9b70S-8571P-1872P-1573P-17With the lance and reverse chariot, I suppose an edge attack is possible. But what is there to attack? The king is always safe in the center (unlike in standard shogi), surrounded by pieces.74FL-2275SM-1976FL-b377GB-4778FL-a479P-4880P-a681FL-2b82BT-9283S-4b84FL-a585S-4a86FL-b687SM-b888B-9189S-4990Ln-9691BT-4bBoth players slowly maneuver their pieces...92FL-b7Until gote starts the first of the fighting. I think that this could be called the start of the middlegame.93SMxb794Lnxb795Px8796Cx8797Kr-77Offering more exchanges. Unlike in standard shogi, and like chess, these only serve to simplify the position.98S-86!99Krx75100Px75101P-77102P-a7102.Sx77103.Lnx77The power of the lion.103P-b8104Lnxc7-b6105P-b7106Ln-96The lion is forced back at the cost of a pawn.106.Lnxb7-a6107.VMxb5107C-78108Cx78109Lnx78Development of the lion is more important than that of the dragon king.109.Dx78110P-76111B-4c112Px77113Ln-9a114H-93Gote rightly declines the exchange. A horse is better than a bishop.115Ln-b8116P-78117B-3b118C-64119H-5bThe bishop and horse are placed on these powerful adjacent diagonals.120Ln-87121P-28122S-77122.Lnx!98This was possible, but would be a waste of time. Go-betweens are worth little more than pawns.123P-37124R33-73The rook and dragon king point ominously at sente's king.125P-27126S-88127P-26!?Knowing that the phoenix promotes to a queen (free king), I would have simply moved it. However, sente does not waste time and counterattacks.128H-14128.Sx89+129S-38?!130Sx89=131FKx89Sente has sacrificed the phoenix, but has activated the queen and right-side silver general.132Ln-66133FK-7a134Lnx57-56135SM-49Necessary defense.135.P-b6??136.Lnx48A dangerous lion invasion.136Lnx47-46137B-68Because of the lion's awkwardness, sente is able to activate yet another piece.138Ln-66139P-47140Ph-76141H-39And another.142Phx58?!Sacrificing the lion!143Hx66144Phx7a=145BTx7a146Hx66In return, gote gets a queen (!), horse, and copper general. The exchange is still quite unclear.147P-16148VM-33?!149Px15150H-23151P-25152VM-34153P-36154Px25155Px35156VM-24157S-37158FL-33159S-36Sente is advancing quickly.160B-43161BT-89Moving the blind tiger so far up is slightly unusual.162B-a2163BTx78164H-56165Dx56?!Emphasizing speed over material.166Px56167S-89168P-57169Raa-7a170H-32171VM-aa172VM-22173VM-9a174C-65175VM-8a176C-56177BT-5aBOTH blind tigers climb upward.178P-58?!Really a bit of a waste of time.179VM-8b180FK-b1181SM-19182C-57183B-79183.Bx57184.Bx57185.Hx57186.FKx57Don't forget about the queen on the furthest rank!184R-53185BT-49186C-48A good move: taking advantage of the "blindspot" of the blind tiger.187BT-68188Cx49=189SMx49190Bx2a+?This gives sente too much of a material advantage.191Rx2a192R83-73193S-78194FK-66195D-3b196G-42197B-6a198R-54199VM-7b200G-82201B-48202FK-63203FL-aa204FL-24205G-6b206G-33207Lnxa7-97208H-42209Ln-79210P-26211BT-57212FL-25213Lnx58Sente is slowly building a powerful attack. Now the lion joins the fight.214G-24215R7a-3a216VM-32217S-67This formation, with a silver general supported like so by a bishop, is known as "Spearing the bird" in shogi literature. In addition, a rook and the dragon behind it are attacked. The rook will be left there and not captured for many moves.218VM-93219P-46The go-between is trapped...220GBx46And it sacrifices itself.221Lnx46222H-64223Ln-47224H-42?Gote can't afford to waste time like this.225S-56226FLx36227Lnx36x26Capturing the maximum amount of material.228H-33229Ln-46230G-23231S-55232R-84Sente has all but entered the promotion zone with his pieces.233BT-47234D-83?!Was this attack missed or simply ignored?235Bx84+236Dx84237VMx73+Finally.238FKx73The first check of the game.239DE-7b240FK-76The idea of this move is to force the lion backward to protect the side mover.241Ln-57242P-45243B-67However, the queen in the center is subject to attack.244FK-75245S-66246FK-73247BT-56248GB-96249R-7a250FK-63251BTx45Sente gains even more ground.252P-95253BT-55254P-b5255B-45256FK-53257Ln-56258G-73259P-68260VM-83261G-8b262BT-63263Ln-46264FK-52265FL-3a266BT-53267R-5a268S-42269FL-39270D-82271FL-48272DE-62273G6b-7a274H-22275D-2b276VM-33277P-14+The first promotion of the game signals sente breaking through.278SMx14279Bx23=279.Bx23+280VMx23281Rx23=282Hx23283Dx23+A powerful Soaring Eagle.284D-24!285R-2a286Dx23287Rx23+288BT-44289H-9a290BT-33291+Rx12292Lx12293Hx12+Sente is focused not on material but on activating and promoting long-range pieces.294B-32295RCx14=296SMx14297Lx14+298Bx14299+Hx14300FK-85301+H-34Sente's first check takes advantage of the tiger's blindspot302BT-43303+H-9aThe horned falcon escapes back home, and the game continues at a slightly slower pace.304BT-52305G8b-8a306P-c6307K-8b308P-c7309S-65310GB-97311S-64+Until now.312P-c8313Ln-54314K-71315P-a8316P-c9+317FL-a9318D-93319BT-65320GBx98321BT-74=321.BT-74+321.FLx98322Gx74322.Gx64323+Sx74324K-61324.FKx74325.Lnx74326.BT-63327.Ln-76Sente has lost his queen.325+H-34326S-51327+Hx52Gote resigns328Sx52329+S-64
Chat room
  1. PrnejI thing that the go-between was not captured because Gote did not like the fact that Phoenix would come in with tempo on the Horse, winning
  2. Prnejthe pawn on the edge of the board.
  3. Prnej*I think, sorry about that
  4. WassimBerbarlions are nightmares to deal with inside your camp
  5. GalagoOnly just seeing Prnej's comment, I'll add that
  6. hydroshadowThe first game is awesome!
  7. GalagoThere was some sente/gote confusion in the annotations, but it's fixed now.
  8. GalagoMore annotation mistakes fixed
  9. xyxcxyxchi
  10. GalagoMoving the queen out too early here is dangerous and doesn't do much
  11. xyxcxyxchow to analyaze
  12. GalagoCan you see what I'm doing
  13. xyxcxyxcwhat move
  14. xyxcxyxcno
  15. GalagoNow?
  16. xyxcxyxci see now
  17. Galagothis move
  18. xyxcxyxcyes i understand
  19. Galagoand watch out for this kind of thing
  20. Galagothis isn't horrible, but its not great
  21. Galagoin this case the lion got in
  22. Galagohere you can push the pawn
  23. GalagoIt gives you space and makes attacking easier
  24. xyxcxyxcon more step?
  25. Galagoyour threatening that
  26. Galagoshibamizo might move the VM like this to defend
  27. Galagoit isn't worth it taking two moves just to attack the lion
  28. Galagobut this pawn move is good
  29. xyxcxyxcu mean the pawn moves or queen
  30. Galagothe queen is bad
  31. xyxcxyxci see
  32. xyxcxyxccan u se engine evaluations
  33. Galagono, there is no chu shogi engine
  34. Galagoqueen moves are usually bad because you have to retreat so often and that wastes time
  35. xyxcxyxcyes i see
  36. Galagoif you attack the lion, you have to think about where it is going to go
  37. xyxcxyxcshibamizo put his queen bk rank
  38. xyxcxyxcback rank
  39. Galagothat is common
  40. Galagothat way the queen isn't in the way, because like i said it isn;t that useful until endgame
  41. xyxcxyxci cannot see your moves anymore
  42. Galagostill no?
  43. xyxcxyxci clicked something
  44. Galagowhat did you click?
  45. xyxcxyxcnow i was put out of the page
  46. xyxcxyxci clikced moves list
  47. xyxcxyxci see now
  48. Galagook
  49. Galagomaybe here you should push the pawn
  50. Galagono its not good
  51. Galagoi was wrong
  52. Galagonow there is no time to push the pawn because opponent has too many threats
  53. Galagoside mover is better, because it protects this square
  54. xyxcxyxcyes i see his threats are stronger
  55. Galagocapturing this is a very bad move because the side mover can just capture it
  56. xyxcxyxcwhy he didnt take
  57. Galagobecause he thought he should attack quickly
  58. Galagohe though that if he just attacked, he would win, but you had enough defense, so the game lasted longer
  59. xyxcxyxcfinish the game quicker
  60. xyxcxyxche thaught
  61. xyxcxyxcmaybe i shouldnt promote
  62. xyxcxyxcsnake
  63. Galagowhere?
  64. xyxcxyxcat the last rank
  65. xyxcxyxcyes that
  66. Galagothat's fine, but you were already losing so it didn't help much
  67. Galagobut it does get trapped
  68. xyxcxyxchere is over
  69. Galagoyeah
  70. Galagonot much left to say
  71. xyxcxyxcbut i wanted to play 200 moves
  72. xyxcxyxc:)
  73. Galagolol
  74. Galagook, i have to go now
  75. xyxcxyxcthx
  76. xyxcxyxcbye