Fast Shogi Friday 2024-10-11
1 - ohithere -- mixtyle 2級 - ohithere 2級
- ohithere 2級 - ustimikes 3級
- Ststt 22級 - ohithere 2級
- ohithere 2級 - Shingo24 2級
- ohithere
ludwigfuchshhh's Studyllltttt
1 - ludwigfuchshhh -- Chapter 1
- Kapitel 2
- Kapitel 3
- Kapitel 4
- ludwigfuchshhh
kyotoshogi tsume
3 - capivara_do_brasil -- Tsume #1
- Tsume #2
- Tsume #3
- Capítulo 4
- capivara_do_brasil
- DiptaRising
Shodan7 Nakazumai vs. Mukaibisha With Koshiro and Friends
2 - ohithere -- Sente vs Mukaibisha
- ohithere