KD's Beginner tsume
439 - KillerDucky -- Gold on head
- Silver on head
- 4 Golds on head
- Gold on belly
- KillerDucky
List of Castles
384 - antoniodgreat -- Mino- Basics
- Mino- Concepts
- Advancing to High Mino
- High Mino to Silver Crown
- antoniodgreat
KD's Game concepts and tactics
315 - KillerDucky -- Rook pawn trade
- Dangling pawn
- Opposing Pawn
- Opposing Pawn 2
- KillerDucky
All about Ureshino style
190 - VictorC -- What is Ureshino ?
- Ureshino or New Ureshino ?
- ----- Ureshino style
- ----- New Ureshino style
- VictorC
Central Rook strategy
154 - karakoro -- introduction
- What is "Central Rook"?
- step to build up
- supplement
- karakoro
static rook basics 1st edition
134 - LilyLionmane -- CHECK OUT THE NEW VERSION
- intro
- the first move
- the importance of the pawn exchange
- LilyLionmane
How to defend in shogi, by Oyama sensei
130 - spinoza -- Introduction
- Chapter 1 Basic Formation 1 (Bogin)
- Basic Formation 2 (vs Nakabisha)
- spinoza
- potnoodlechef
- Eskatrem
Tsume or Hisshi?
107 - LP Shogi_Harbour -- Tsume Training Problems
- Problem 1
- Problem 2
- Problem 3
- LP Shogi_Harbour
Duck Strategy
104 - RogueRaider -- Duck Castle
- Twisting/Floating Rook
- Mallard Strategy
- King Eider Trap
- AshenSilverwolf
- RogueRaider
Ranging Rook for beginners
96 - karakoro -- introduction
- what is "Ranging Rook"?
- 4th File Ranging Rook
- supplement
- karakoro
Beginner's Central Rook
87 - syncr0 -- Introduction
- Normal Central Rook
- Gokigen Central Rook
- Opening Moves as Sente
- syncr0
Central Rook with Shogi Harbour
85 - syncr0 -- Introduction
- Opening Move Order
- Anti-S63: S43 style
- Anti-S63: S33 style
- syncr0
- LP Shogi_Harbour
The concept of endgame for beginners
84 - karakoro -- introduction
- mate is win
- threatmate
- brinkmate
- karakoro
[EN] [JA] About Wrong Diagonal Bishop (Sujichigai-Kaku) 筋違い角について
84 - HoneyMint -- Basic Opening
- The aim of Ranging Rook ver. : Oppressing
- The aim of Static Rook ver. : Surprising Attack
- Double Wrong Diagonal Bishop
- HoneyMint