Basic Defense KING TACTICS - Debusho's Shogi Dojo
19 - DiptaRising -- PART ONE
- How to escape from soon-to-be-brinkmate pawn formation
- Know when to run
- How to escape
- DiptaRising
MINO CASTLE SERIES - Debusho's Shogi Dojo Playlist
2 - DiptaRising -- INTRODUCTION
- 1 - How to break through Mino
- With a pawn and a bishop in hand
- DiptaRising
ShogiExplained Tournament Training: Tsumeshogi Grinding and Lesson
2 - DiptaRising -- INTRO
- 1:05:14 Clearing the way for your mating attack
- 1:11
- 1:11 practice
- DiptaRising