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Welcome to the tournament analysis study for the Chu Shogi Cup 2023! Chapters marked with a round number will usually have the standings at the start of the round, but as this is the beginning of the tournament, here are the players and their ratings. Throughout the tournament I will try to annotate and comment on the games to the best of my ability.1Ln-68AlexTrick - 1955
Olekaze - 2150
Tepin - 2117
yagura - 1979?
SpaceShogi - 1591
HouraiDB - unrated
dax00 - 2010
PikerWorm101 - 1206?
CouchTomato - 1591
WarElephant - 1983
Prnej - 2040
Mitthrawnuruodo - 1564?
Octananda - 1574
DoubleD91 - 1876
2Ln-75Notes on my annotations: I will not be saying anything about the opening unless moves are dubious or lead to lines that are particularly interesting. Most annotations start at the entrance to the middlegame, and some minor errors are not noted.
Chat room
  1. Olekazeon the last move what happens if lion 75
  2. Olekazethe dragon can be taken
  3. CouchTomatohe'd have to retreat further
  4. CouchTomato(I can't stay for analysis... gotta sleep)
  5. Olekazethen you take the lion
  6. Galagoim busy, will come back to this
  7. CouchTomatoohhh
  8. OlekazeI think this just wins the dragon
  9. CouchTomatough I feel stupid :(
  10. CouchTomatothanks for showing that
  11. OlekazeDon't forget to delete the last couple moves in tomato's game
  12. GalagoThey're italicized, which shows that they are analysis
  13. GalagoAnd not the game line
  14. Galagoi dont really get the 182 thing
  15. Galagowhat can be played here?
  16. Galagobtw dax I cant add you because of your settings
  17. GalagoWait, the leopard couldn't be taken
  18. GalagoThat's insane
  19. Mitthrawnuruod?
  20. GalagoIt's a fork
  21. Mitthrawnuruodoh yeah I saw that right at the end
  22. Mitthrawnuruodkind of funny
  23. GalagoSo the leopard move is fine
  24. Mitthrawnuruodno the fork still wins a piece though right
  25. Galagoyes
  26. Mitthrawnuruodand I mean I'm sure I'm still winning, the dragon is very strong
  27. GalagoAnd its promoted
  28. MitthrawnuruodI was gonna use it to force some promotions
  29. Galagooh, tepin's here
  30. GalagoWelcome
  31. GalagoI think i should go now
  32. dax00I think the leopard was free
  33. dax00actually this line is interesting
  34. dax00H75 on move 18 instead is better
  35. MitthrawnuruodTurn off sync by default.