part 1 lishogi.org/study/T4gs1ey3/KbHPGl3N
Chat room
- dax00
I'm here - dax00
on chapter 50 - dax00
what's the response to the move i highlighted - Galago
oh hi - Galago
horse back should do the trick - dax00
looks like the king can run - Galago
what about horse back first - Galago
thats it - Galago
for sure this time - dax00
yeah ok - Galago
lets go - dax00
I'll keep checking - Galago
good idea - dax00
found another move to look at - Galago
i've got this one as well i think - Galago
that boar move was rong - Galago
simply using the horse fixes the problem - Galago
the only real room for error is the variation on the sixth move - Galago
otherwise id say its fine - Galago
if you find any more moves highlight them and i'll take a look in about an hour - Galago
gtg - dax00
ok. cya - Galago
@dax00 anything more on 49? - Galago
or did i fix everything - Galago
i see you checked small bishop recapture very carefully - dax00
oh hey - dax00
yup, i like to be thorough - dax00
i highlighted a move 14. may wanna have a go at that - dax00
easier when all the unsolved parts are colored, so you know where to check - Galago
hi im back - dax00
solved the earlier part - Galago
which earlier part - Galago
oh right you can just promote with check - dax00
just proving some alternate moves - Galago
is that all then? - Galago
oh ok - dax00
that move 14 still isn't resolved - Galago
it is isnt it? - dax00
the pawn block line and the falcon block line - Galago
they're both there i think - Galago
falcon is solved - Galago
still working on pawn - Galago
oh no - Galago
thats pawn done too - Galago
i think - dax00
yeah pawn block is done - Galago
falcon too - Galago
thats that variation - Galago
ok, falcon is officially done for sure now - dax00
one last line - Galago
where - Galago
ah i see - Galago
done - dax00
... and solved! - Galago
nice - Galago
that's the whole set then except for 42 - Galago
the way we were doing it with such an open board felt too long annd too open - Galago
there must be an improvement earlier - dax00
can't underestimate these puzzles - dax00
there's still tsume 27 - dax00
that one is a real pain for a 6x6 square tsume - Galago
im not underestimating it. its just that it doesn't feel as correct as the other tsume - dax00
yeah, I'm sure that's not the intended solution - Galago
i guess we do 27 from a clean slate and finally figure out 42 after - dax00
move 2 vm takes is worse than dragon takes. I've looked at it thoroughly - Galago
its pretty clear from the outset that 11-4 would be too weak if VM takes - dax00
all the pieces are in one corner, so at least no running around the board for this puzzle - Galago
lol - dax00
if eagle sac and elephant takes, it's mate. i couldn't see what to do is the ox takes - dax00
feels like a puzzle where you sac everything - Galago
something like that - Galago
i dont know if you've already seen that but its worth looking over again - Galago
wait this is really good - dax00
what was really good - Galago
not on this move - Galago
but something to consider elsewhere - Galago
remember to change up the move order to check for possibilities - Galago
funny first move you might want to look at - Galago
well 3rd move - Galago
after white horse takes and dk recaptures - dax00
if gold sideways, i found boar takes was stronger - Galago
yeah - Galago
check out the main line - Galago
LOL - Galago
ok now check out the main line - Galago
so moving the gold right is prevented by the boar - Galago
moving the falcon forward is prevented by the 9th file dragon - Galago
ito sokan has an answer for everything - dax00
yup - Galago
the solution must be something crazy - Galago
that we can't see at all - dax00
amazing how a small puzzle can stump everyone for years - Galago
well its only been 7 months - Galago
im sure its been solved before, just not written down - Galago
you know what - Galago
i dont think taking the silver is the first move - Galago
it cant be right - dax00
assuming there's a solution, this is an especially nice puzzle - Galago
it is possible there is a mistake on the part of the website - dax00
ok, we can try other things - Galago
i say the first move is for sure wrong - dax00
i was looking at sac, then lion takes the VM and runs for discovered double check - dax00
not sure how to make that work though - Galago
hmm - Galago
it seems like we're losing that diagonal if we lose the white horse - Galago
im thinking of so many double capture tricks - Galago
sente is outnumbered 5 pieces to 12 - dax00
the lion has to count for at least 4 - Galago
i cant believe that one of the legal moves leads to mate - dax00
i count 16 legal checks on move 1 - Galago
i checked the original website - Galago
either this is the real tsume - Galago
or the websites mistake - Galago
definitely not ours during upload - dax00
the setup looks feasible - Galago
i created a third chapter just because 5 is getting too messy already - dax00
only sure way to confirm the position is to find the original copy from the library of Tokyo - Galago
oh you've reached that point too? rofl - Galago
im at the stare until you get ideas stage - dax00
this isn't going anywhere - Galago
ok im going to sleep - dax00
same, goodnight - Galago
i'll continue this torture in the morning - Galago
hi - dax00
hi - dax00
got a new idea this morning for 27 - Galago
lets hear it - dax00
it's in chapter 6 - dax00
still need to figure out a few things - Galago
wow - Galago
thats brilliant - Galago
what's left? - dax00
king running away, both sides - Galago
if you want we could use the lishogi vc and talk it through - Galago
i have some ideas - dax00
not sure how that works - Galago
click the phone button by chat - Galago
ok im back - Galago
yo hi - Galago
click the phone button - Galago
ok gtg - dax00
any chance that tiger block was overlooked when the puzzle was made? - Galago
possible - Galago
i was thinking the same - Galago
tbh i dont think it's possible to mate after the block, altho i could be wrong - dax00
oh did i post the wrong position. - Galago
no - Galago
the position is correct - Galago
hi - dax00
hi - Galago
a new puzzle i see - Galago
oh discovered check with lion - Galago
that opens some possibilities - Galago
altho nothing better than the move you played - Galago
king can't take - Galago
or not - dax00
are you not able to do audio right now - Galago
yeah, not now - Galago
its a good idea tho - Galago
worked well for the other puzzles - dax00
it's all move order - Galago
yup - Galago
somehow overloading the pieces with the threats of the lion and the whale - Galago
leopard is necessary to trap the king - Galago
the king is in a box - Galago
just a question of figuring out move order like you said - dax00
so many lines of defense to break through - Galago
but i know this puzzle can be solved just by staring at it - Galago
its not that overwhelming like 42 - Galago
or extremely frustrating like 27 - Galago
and so far it doesn't feel like it might be flawed like 11 - Galago
have to keep the king trapped - Galago
really enjoying this tsume set so far - dax00
yeah i like it too - dax00
i wonder if that makes any difference - Galago
blocks the horse - Galago
could be useful - dax00
king can take that now though - Galago
true - dax00
which do you like better - Galago
blocking the horse - Galago
gives me some options in my head with the 83 square - dax00
i like the other lion move better, to cover 74 - Galago
losing the 7th file completely is a bit of a shame - Galago
i have a feeling losing the queen in an even exchange is not correct - Galago
i dont know how to avoid it tho - dax00
but that eagle is super annoying - Galago
gtg. im traveling so probably see you next week - Galago
bye - dax00
found a complication for tsume 31, but luckily the solution wasn't too difficult - Galago
nice - dax00
hi - Galago
Hi - dax00
22 probably stumped us harder than any of the other puzzles first time around - Galago
one second - Galago
i have to finish something and then i'll take a look at 22 - Galago
Hi - Galago
Voice? - dax00
back - dax00