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part 1
Chat room
  1. dax00I'm here
  2. dax00on chapter 50
  3. dax00what's the response to the move i highlighted
  4. Galagooh hi
  5. Galagohorse back should do the trick
  6. dax00looks like the king can run
  7. Galagowhat about horse back first
  8. Galagothats it
  9. Galagofor sure this time
  10. dax00yeah ok
  11. Galagolets go
  12. dax00I'll keep checking
  13. Galagogood idea
  14. dax00found another move to look at
  15. Galagoi've got this one as well i think
  16. Galagothat boar move was rong
  17. Galagosimply using the horse fixes the problem
  18. Galagothe only real room for error is the variation on the sixth move
  19. Galagootherwise id say its fine
  20. Galagoif you find any more moves highlight them and i'll take a look in about an hour
  21. Galagogtg
  22. dax00ok. cya
  23. Galago@dax00 anything more on 49?
  24. Galagoor did i fix everything
  25. Galagoi see you checked small bishop recapture very carefully
  26. dax00oh hey
  27. dax00yup, i like to be thorough
  28. dax00i highlighted a move 14. may wanna have a go at that
  29. dax00easier when all the unsolved parts are colored, so you know where to check
  30. Galagohi im back
  31. dax00solved the earlier part
  32. Galagowhich earlier part
  33. Galagooh right you can just promote with check
  34. dax00just proving some alternate moves
  35. Galagois that all then?
  36. Galagooh ok
  37. dax00that move 14 still isn't resolved
  38. Galagoit is isnt it?
  39. dax00the pawn block line and the falcon block line
  40. Galagothey're both there i think
  41. Galagofalcon is solved
  42. Galagostill working on pawn
  43. Galagooh no
  44. Galagothats pawn done too
  45. Galagoi think
  46. dax00yeah pawn block is done
  47. Galagofalcon too
  48. Galagothats that variation
  49. Galagook, falcon is officially done for sure now
  50. dax00one last line
  51. Galagowhere
  52. Galagoah i see
  53. Galagodone
  54. dax00... and solved!
  55. Galagonice
  56. Galagothat's the whole set then except for 42
  57. Galagothe way we were doing it with such an open board felt too long annd too open
  58. Galagothere must be an improvement earlier
  59. dax00can't underestimate these puzzles
  60. dax00there's still tsume 27
  61. dax00that one is a real pain for a 6x6 square tsume
  62. Galagoim not underestimating it. its just that it doesn't feel as correct as the other tsume
  63. dax00yeah, I'm sure that's not the intended solution
  64. Galagoi guess we do 27 from a clean slate and finally figure out 42 after
  65. dax00move 2 vm takes is worse than dragon takes. I've looked at it thoroughly
  66. Galagoits pretty clear from the outset that 11-4 would be too weak if VM takes
  67. dax00all the pieces are in one corner, so at least no running around the board for this puzzle
  68. Galagolol
  69. dax00if eagle sac and elephant takes, it's mate. i couldn't see what to do is the ox takes
  70. dax00feels like a puzzle where you sac everything
  71. Galagosomething like that
  72. Galagoi dont know if you've already seen that but its worth looking over again
  73. Galagowait this is really good
  74. dax00what was really good
  75. Galagonot on this move
  76. Galagobut something to consider elsewhere
  77. Galagoremember to change up the move order to check for possibilities
  78. Galagofunny first move you might want to look at
  79. Galagowell 3rd move
  80. Galagoafter white horse takes and dk recaptures
  81. dax00if gold sideways, i found boar takes was stronger
  82. Galagoyeah
  83. Galagocheck out the main line
  84. GalagoLOL
  85. Galagook now check out the main line
  86. Galagoso moving the gold right is prevented by the boar
  87. Galagomoving the falcon forward is prevented by the 9th file dragon
  88. Galagoito sokan has an answer for everything
  89. dax00yup
  90. Galagothe solution must be something crazy
  91. Galagothat we can't see at all
  92. dax00amazing how a small puzzle can stump everyone for years
  93. Galagowell its only been 7 months
  94. Galagoim sure its been solved before, just not written down
  95. Galagoyou know what
  96. Galagoi dont think taking the silver is the first move
  97. Galagoit cant be right
  98. dax00assuming there's a solution, this is an especially nice puzzle
  99. Galagoit is possible there is a mistake on the part of the website
  100. dax00ok, we can try other things
  101. Galagoi say the first move is for sure wrong
  102. dax00i was looking at sac, then lion takes the VM and runs for discovered double check
  103. dax00not sure how to make that work though
  104. Galagohmm
  105. Galagoit seems like we're losing that diagonal if we lose the white horse
  106. Galagoim thinking of so many double capture tricks
  107. Galagosente is outnumbered 5 pieces to 12
  108. dax00the lion has to count for at least 4
  109. Galagoi cant believe that one of the legal moves leads to mate
  110. dax00i count 16 legal checks on move 1
  111. Galagoi checked the original website
  112. Galagoeither this is the real tsume
  113. Galagoor the websites mistake
  114. Galagodefinitely not ours during upload
  115. dax00the setup looks feasible
  116. Galagoi created a third chapter just because 5 is getting too messy already
  117. dax00only sure way to confirm the position is to find the original copy from the library of Tokyo
  118. Galagooh you've reached that point too? rofl
  119. Galagoim at the stare until you get ideas stage
  120. dax00this isn't going anywhere
  121. Galagook im going to sleep
  122. dax00same, goodnight
  123. Galagoi'll continue this torture in the morning
  124. Galagohi
  125. dax00hi
  126. dax00got a new idea this morning for 27
  127. Galagolets hear it
  128. dax00it's in chapter 6
  129. dax00still need to figure out a few things
  130. Galagowow
  131. Galagothats brilliant
  132. Galagowhat's left?
  133. dax00king running away, both sides
  134. Galagoif you want we could use the lishogi vc and talk it through
  135. Galagoi have some ideas
  136. dax00not sure how that works
  137. Galagoclick the phone button by chat
  138. Galagook im back
  139. Galagoyo hi
  140. Galagoclick the phone button
  141. Galagook gtg
  142. dax00any chance that tiger block was overlooked when the puzzle was made?
  143. Galagopossible
  144. Galagoi was thinking the same
  145. Galagotbh i dont think it's possible to mate after the block, altho i could be wrong
  146. dax00oh did i post the wrong position.
  147. Galagono
  148. Galagothe position is correct
  149. Galagohi
  150. dax00hi
  151. Galagoa new puzzle i see
  152. Galagooh discovered check with lion
  153. Galagothat opens some possibilities
  154. Galagoaltho nothing better than the move you played
  155. Galagoking can't take
  156. Galagoor not
  157. dax00are you not able to do audio right now
  158. Galagoyeah, not now
  159. Galagoits a good idea tho
  160. Galagoworked well for the other puzzles
  161. dax00it's all move order
  162. Galagoyup
  163. Galagosomehow overloading the pieces with the threats of the lion and the whale
  164. Galagoleopard is necessary to trap the king
  165. Galagothe king is in a box
  166. Galagojust a question of figuring out move order like you said
  167. dax00so many lines of defense to break through
  168. Galagobut i know this puzzle can be solved just by staring at it
  169. Galagoits not that overwhelming like 42
  170. Galagoor extremely frustrating like 27
  171. Galagoand so far it doesn't feel like it might be flawed like 11
  172. Galagohave to keep the king trapped
  173. Galagoreally enjoying this tsume set so far
  174. dax00yeah i like it too
  175. dax00i wonder if that makes any difference
  176. Galagoblocks the horse
  177. Galagocould be useful
  178. dax00king can take that now though
  179. Galagotrue
  180. dax00which do you like better
  181. Galagoblocking the horse
  182. Galagogives me some options in my head with the 83 square
  183. dax00i like the other lion move better, to cover 74
  184. Galagolosing the 7th file completely is a bit of a shame
  185. Galagoi have a feeling losing the queen in an even exchange is not correct
  186. Galagoi dont know how to avoid it tho
  187. dax00but that eagle is super annoying
  188. Galagogtg. im traveling so probably see you next week
  189. Galagobye
  190. dax00found a complication for tsume 31, but luckily the solution wasn't too difficult
  191. Galagonice
  192. dax00hi
  193. GalagoHi
  194. dax0022 probably stumped us harder than any of the other puzzles first time around
  195. Galagoone second
  196. Galagoi have to finish something and then i'll take a look at 22
  197. GalagoHi
  198. GalagoVoice?
  199. dax00back
  200. dax00sure