in local browser
My first shogi game!

Against my friend
1P-26I tried pushing the pawn to open the file for my rook2P-343P-254P-145P-246S-327Px23+8Sx239Rx23+10L-1311+Rx4312B-4413+Rx44Pawns in this game really don't work like they do in chess, it's so hard to get used to14P-5415+Rx5416K-6217P-7618G-4219B-22+20N-3321+Bx33??22Gx3323+R-4424Gx44Aargh!!25S*2226G-4327S-21+28G-4229B*3530K-7230.Px3531Bx13+32R*6233L*5434G-3235L-53+36G-4337+Lx6238Kx6239R*3240K-5341+B-3142K-5443N*4644K-6545P-6646Kx7647P*7748Kx8749G-781-0 White wins by checkmate.
Chat room
  1. SuperCanon20woah what
  2. FunnyAnimatorJThis is how you can analyze games
  3. FunnyAnimatorJwith a study
  4. FunnyAnimatorJill add some of our games we just did
  5. SuperCanon20ah ok
  6. FunnyAnimatorJwait ugh idk why its not letting me add it
  7. SuperCanon20weird
  8. FunnyAnimatorJwait nvm
  9. FunnyAnimatorJgot it
  10. SuperCanon20kk
  11. SuperCanon20I'm gonna close discord
  12. FunnyAnimatorJare we on the same position
  13. FunnyAnimatorJok
  14. SuperCanon20Yeah
  15. FunnyAnimatorJdraw arrows with right click
  16. SuperCanon20woah
  17. FunnyAnimatorJred shift+right click
  18. FunnyAnimatorJblue alt+right click
  19. FunnyAnimatorJyellow shift+alt+right click
  20. SuperCanon20whatttt
  21. SuperCanon20lol
  22. FunnyAnimatorJdraw arrows on the board
  23. SuperCanon20k
  24. FunnyAnimatorJwait do you see the board moving
  25. SuperCanon20yeah
  26. SuperCanon20I gtg for like 10 mins
  27. FunnyAnimatorJsee the arrows i made
  28. FunnyAnimatorJok
  29. SuperCanon20no
  30. SuperCanon20it erased
  31. FunnyAnimatorJreload the study then it might work?
  32. SuperCanon20hi
  33. FunnyAnimatorJhi
  34. WeiJinok
  35. FunnyAnimatorJchapter 10
  36. FunnyAnimatorJso like we can see the same position, add comments and draw arrows
  37. WeiJinoh ok thats cool
  38. FunnyAnimatorJand it's all saved in the chapters and stuff
  39. FunnyAnimatorJit's under Learn > Study and then you click the plus button to make your own
  40. FunnyAnimatorJthen when you add a chapter you can click URL and paste the game in
  41. WeiJinthats cool
  42. FunnyAnimatorJthe comment button is somewhere under the board
  43. FunnyAnimatorJand draw arrows with right click
  44. WeiJini was really confused
  45. WeiJinthen realized this is from your view
  46. FunnyAnimatorJoh lol
  47. FunnyAnimatorJyeah you can switch the view in the settings
  48. FunnyAnimatorJit's switched to your view now
  49. WeiJinkk
  50. FunnyAnimatorJit doesn't work for me but you can draw red arrows with shift-right click
  51. WeiJinworks for me
  52. FunnyAnimatorJblue with alt rclick
  53. FunnyAnimatorJyellow with shift alt rclick
  54. WeiJinthanks
  55. FunnyAnimatorJits cause im on firefox so it doesnt work for some reason lol
  56. WeiJinthat sucks
  57. FunnyAnimatorJthe comment was too long lol
  58. FunnyAnimatorJI'll try getting the board position
  59. WeiJinkk
  60. FunnyAnimatorJgg again it was a really intense game
  61. WeiJinyeah it was fun
  62. FunnyAnimatorJbut i think we both learned a lot yeah
  63. WeiJinya
  64. FunnyAnimatorJand yeah the studies thing is really cool
  65. WeiJinit is quite
  66. WeiJinneat
  67. WeiJinill also probably mess around with the time stuff a little bit
  68. FunnyAnimatorJyou just go to Learn > Study and then click the plus button to make your own
  69. FunnyAnimatorJchange the settings and add chapters etc
  70. FunnyAnimatorJinvite people
  71. WeiJinthanks for the tip!
  72. FunnyAnimatorJno prob, thanks for analyzing!
  73. FunnyAnimatorJoh i think you can copy this chapter and put it in your own study if you want
  74. WeiJinkk
  75. FunnyAnimatorJi forget how to copy chapters
  76. FunnyAnimatorJAlright cya!
  77. FunnyAnimatorJThanks again, best of luck to eachother with our shogi
  78. WeiJinwell i gtg so see ya
  79. FunnyAnimatorJcya