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1Ln-682P-552.P-853.P-584.H-66similar, but there is no room for the phoenix3P-58The general idea is to punish sente for not centralizing the lion on move 33.Ln-77correct way to play3.Ln-864.P-855.Lnx95-966.Ln-757.GB-978.Ln-579.P-5810.Lnx48-4711.Hxa4+12.Rxa413.Bxa4+14.Hx39+15.Rx3916.Bx39+even game4H-76N5P-886P-857H-678Ln-659Hx7610Lnx76
Chat room
  1. WassimBerbarthe first ever joseki for chu shogi
  2. Tepinstill WIP
  3. WassimBerbardragon and phoenix vs lion isn't a very good trade
  4. Tepinim not totally sure
  5. WassimBerbarthis might be better with sente
  6. DaniChessi liked
  7. dax00just wanted to make sure it's on the record that in the GB exchange, move 9 is never to play pawn to the lion's head. Here, correct is P88