in local browser
Sente resigned, Gote is victorious
開始日時:2022/04/20 18:16:24 終了日時:2022/04/20 18:31:18 棋戦:Casual Classical game 場所: 持ち時間:15分+15秒+30秒(5) 手合割:平手 先手:denis 後手:Hedgehog 手数----指手---------消費時間-- 1 7六歩(77) 2 8四歩(83) 3 7五歩(76) 4 6二銀(71) 5 7八飛(28) 6 8五歩(84) 7 4八玉(59) 8 8六歩(85) 9 同 歩(87) 10 同 飛(82) 11 7四歩(75) 12 同 歩(73) 13 同 飛(78) 14 7三歩打 15 7八飛(74) 16 8七歩打 17 7七角(88) 18 8二飛(86) 19 3八玉(48) 20 5二金(61) 21 2八玉(38) 22 4二玉(51) 23 3六歩(37) 24 3四歩(33) 25 6六歩(67) 26 5五角(22) 27 3七桂(29) 28 3二銀(31) 29 5六歩(57) 30 4四角(55) 31 5九角(77) 32 3三桂(21) 33 7四歩打 34 同 歩(73) 35 同 飛(78) 36 7三歩打 37 7七飛(74) 38 8八歩成(87) 39 同 銀(79) * Sente resigns.
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Spectator room
  1. denisthanks for the game
  2. Hedgehogare you here?
  3. denisyeah
  4. Hedgehogcan you see when I go through the moves?
  5. denisbut i dont think we can share a board?
  6. denisno i cant
  7. denisI'm studying this game on
  8. denisah you can click on study on the right side no?
  9. denispress the 3 lines on the bottom right and another menu will open
  10. Hedgehogah yeah
  11. HedgehogI'm studying this game on
  12. denisthere is a "study" button
  13. Hedgehogyeah I have made a study I think :')
  14. Hedgehogcan you join it?
  15. denisif you link it
  16. Hedgehogok I've joined your study but I can't comment, can you make me a member?
  17. denisi did
  18. Hedgehogsomehow I still can't chat...
1 spectators