15|30 - Classical - Rated EngelDunkel1388? −29May_gene1415? +125Checkmate, Gote is victorious106 moves
20+10 - Classical - Rated - Daily Classical ArenaNightCaster1817 +1EngelDunkel1395? −7Checkmate, Sente is victorious79 moves
20+10 - Classical - Rated - Daily Classical ArenaNightCaster1778 +2EngelDunkel1404? −9Checkmate, Sente is victorious79 moves
25|45 - Classical - Rated EngelDunkel1412? −8lighttodie1880? +28Sente resigned, Gote is victorious20 moves
25|45 - Classical - Rated EngelDunkel1359? +53silvomor1553? −155Checkmate, Sente is victorious113 moves
20+10 - Classical - Rated - Daily Classical ArenaEngelDunkel1373? −14NightCaster1689? +21Checkmate, Gote is victorious54 movesComputer analysis available
25|45 - Classical - Rated EngelDunkel1400? −27lvshaegurista1571? +35Sente left the game, Gote is victorious18 moves
20|30 - Classical - Rated EngelDunkel1448? −48Ozymandias241518? +46Sente left the game, Gote is victorious48 moves
20+10 - Classical - Rated - Daily Classical ArenaEngelDunkel1451? −3Beniiro2122 +1Sente resigned, Gote is victorious94 moves
20+10 - Classical - Rated - Daily Classical ArenaEngelDunkel1520? −69Kirihime_Yoruka1468? +51Checkmate, Gote is victorious128 moves
25|45 - Classical - Rated ondo1775? +71EngelDunkel1553? −33Gote resigned, Sente is victorious21 moves
25|45 - Classical - Rated EngelDunkel1608? −55YojinoboriX1688? +108Sente resigned, Gote is victorious46 movesComputer analysis available