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古田 龍生
奨励会三段です。 YouTubeやってます。 中飛車党
Member since 26 Oct 2021
Game completion rate: 85%
Time spent playing: 14 hours and 51 minutes
Time on TV: 6 hours and 32 minutes
¼+1 - Bullet - Rated - 秋の超早指し王決定戦 Arena
Sente resigned, Gote is victorious
78 moves
Computer analysis available
¼+1 - Bullet - Rated - 秋の超早指し王決定戦 Arena
Time out, Gote is victorious
90 moves
Computer analysis available
2+2 - Bullet - Rated - Daily Bullet Arena
Gote resigned, Sente is victorious
67 moves
Computer analysis available