5|20 - Rapid - Casual - Simultaneous exhibitionShogiFan1287?Hetare_Zwift1500?Sente resigned, Gote is victorious34 moves
10|0 - Rapid - Rated - Eastern HyperRapid ArenaShogiFan1350? −63takanari1362? +100Checkmate, Gote is victorious42 movesComputer analysis available
10|10 - Rapid - Rated - Eastern Rapid ArenaShogiFan1354? −4langlingwan20221995 +1Sente left the game, Gote is victorious2 moves
15|10 - Rapid - Rated ShogiFan1433? −18royalguard1817? +22Sente left the game, Gote is victorious22 movesComputer analysis available
15|0 - Rapid - Rated nito1500? +146ShogiFan1350? −61Gote left the game, Sente is victorious39 movesComputer analysis available
10|0 - Rapid - Rated - Weekend HyperRapid ArenaShogiFan1350? +83JMA-991240 −4Gote didn't move, Sente is victorious1 move
15|10 - Rapid - Rated royalguard1784? +33ShogiFan1388? −38Checkmate, Sente is victorious49 movesComputer analysis available
10|10 - Rapid - Rated - Eastern Rapid ArenayoshiF7d1700? +29ShogiFan1475? −87Gote resigned, Sente is victorious29 moves
10|10 - Rapid - Rated - Eastern Rapid ArenaShogiFan1482? −7Beniiro2261 +1Checkmate, Gote is victorious22 moves
10|10 - Rapid - Rated - Eastern Rapid ArenaBeniiro2260 +1ShogiFan1490? −8Checkmate, Sente is victorious31 moves
10|10 - Rapid - Rated - Eastern Rapid ArenaShogiFan1500? −10Beniiro2259 +1Checkmate, Gote is victorious24 moves