No note yet
Member since 9 Jul 2022
Game completion rate: 100%
Time spent playing: 2 days, 2 hours and 26 minutes
Time on TV: 9 hours and 56 minutes
4+3 - Blitz - Rated - 香坂まくりチャンネル登録者数3000人記念将棋大会 Arena
Gote resigned, Sente is victorious
67 moves
Computer analysis available
4+3 - Blitz - Rated - 第22回 まくり杯 兼 まくり一番槍争奪杯 Arena
Time out, Sente is victorious
73 moves
Computer analysis available
4+3 - Blitz - Rated - 第22回 まくり杯 兼 まくり一番槍争奪杯 Arena
Gote resigned, Sente is victorious
67 moves
Computer analysis available