Solved 8 tactical puzzles138331
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I am 31 years old. I learned chess with 6 and played ocasionally. From 9 to 12 i did judo. With 16 o got into a chess-club because of a friend and played their for 9 years and went to some tournament aside from the teamatches and trained the middle group of thekids for 2 years. With 14 i read Hikaru-no-Go where i first discovered Go but i learned the rules and got a board only when i was 16. With …

Member since 7 Mar 2024
Time spent playing: 1 day, 7 hours and 13 minutes
Time on TV: 11 hours and 43 minutes
Played 6 moves in 3 correspondence games
Played 1 move in 1 correspondence game
Played 2 moves in 2 correspondence games
Played 3 moves in 2 correspondence games
Played 2 moves in 2 correspondence games
Solved 12 tactical puzzles141411
Played 2 moves in 1 correspondence game
Played 4 moves in 2 correspondence games