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1P-76+0.200:002G-32+0.300:003P-660.000:034P-84+0.100:125R-68-0.500:036S-42-0.600:097K-48-0.600:048K-41-0.700:019P-16-0.500:0510P-85-0.500:1311B-77-0.500:0212P-94+0.600:0513S-38-0.300:0314S-62+0.800:3215K-39-0.100:0316K-31+0.700:1417P-15+0.800:0218P-34+0.400:2219S-78+0.900:0220S-33+1.000:4021G69-58+0.500:0522S-24+0.700:1223P-65+0.100:1924P-14?!+4.900:19Inaccuracy. Best move was Bx77+24.Bx77+25.Sx7726.K-22[...]25Px14+4.800:0426B-33+7.300:4227P-64+6.900:0828Px64+6.400:0529Rx64+6.000:0330P*13?+15.000:11Mistake. Best drop was P*1530.P*1531.Bx33+32.Nx33[...]31Px13++14.600:1632Sx13+17.500:2633Lx13+?!+13.500:33Inaccuracy. Best move was Bx33+33.Bx33+34.Nx3335.P*63[...]34Lx13+16.200:0235P*17?+6.900:52Mistake. Best move was Bx33+35.Bx33+36.Nx3337.P*63[...]36Bx77++6.700:2537Sx77+4.300:2038B*69??+39.300:29Blunder. Best drop was L*6338.L*6339.Rx3440.B*78[...]39Rx69+37.700:0940L*63+54.800:0741P*64+53.700:0442P-86+58.100:2643Sx86+53.200:0944P*85+59.000:1845S-77+56.800:0446R-84+65.300:2047Px63++64.300:0448Sx63+69.100:0649Rx63++67.300:0450G-52?!#1300:06Checkmate is now unavoidable. Best move was G-5150.G-5151.+R-7252.R-64[...]51+R-61#1600:0352K-22#1500:0453+Rx52#1400:03
Gote resigned, Sente is victorious
開始日時:2024/01/03 02:28:16 終了日時:2024/01/03 02:39:45 棋戦:Casual Rapid game 場所: 持ち時間:10分+15秒 手合割:平手 先手:nanase 後手:DiptaRising 手数----指手---------消費時間-- 1 7六歩(77) 2 3二金(41) 3 6六歩(67) 4 8四歩(83) 5 6八飛(28) 6 4二銀(31) 7 4八玉(59) 8 4一玉(51) 9 1六歩(17) 10 8五歩(84) 11 7七角(88) 12 9四歩(93) 13 3八銀(39) 14 6二銀(71) 15 3九玉(48) 16 3一玉(41) 17 1五歩(16) 18 3四歩(33) 19 7八銀(79) 20 3三銀(42) 21 5八金(69) 22 2四銀(33) 23 6五歩(66) 24 1四歩(13) 25 同 歩(15) 26 3三角(22) 27 6四歩(65) 28 同 歩(63) 29 同 飛(68) 30 1三歩打 31 同 歩成(14) 32 同 銀(24) 33 同 香成(19) 34 同 香(11) 35 1七歩打 36 7七角成(33) 37 同 銀(78) 38 6九角打 39 同 飛(64) 40 6三香打 41 6四歩打 42 8六歩(85) 43 同 銀(77) 44 8五歩打 45 7七銀(86) 46 8四飛(82) 47 6三歩成(64) 48 同 銀(62) 49 同 飛成(69) 50 5二金(61) 51 6一龍(63) 52 2二玉(31) 53 5二龍(61) 54 投了
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95Average centipawn loss
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311Average centipawn loss
Spectator room
  1. Papermaskso, how'd it go?
  2. DiptaRisingit was fun... at some moment I collapsed and began to put pieces where they could be captured for free
  3. DiptaRisingI still don't know any theory/openings, but at least I'm getting a sense of how to move around
  4. Papermaskit is important to get a feel for the pieces and for the board
  5. Papermaskshogi is a hard game
  6. Papermaskis it ok if I ask: why do you want to learn shogi?
  7. DiptaRisingyes it is
  8. DiptaRisingahm
  9. DiptaRisingI play chess and somebody in my chess club plays shogi and made us an introductory class/game
  10. DiptaRisingI had so much fun
  11. DiptaRisingso I am learning bit by bit
  12. Papermaskthat's really cool :]
  13. Papermaskwould you like to have a game with me?
  14. DiptaRisingsure!