Dai Dai Shogi game against beethovenmahler

You're right, I didn't notice that. Let's just go with the normal Chu Shogi style Western notation.

Just to make a list of my opening developing moves then you can insert your developing moves (whenever you attack something or take something of course I will change my move):
1. ... P 15f-15g
2. ... VO 15e-15f
3. ... LD 15b-15e
4. ... Ln 3b-5c
5. ... LD 15e-13g
6. ... P 7f-7g
7. ... FL 7e-7f
8. ... Ln 5c-7e

It is not so convenient here because I cannot post pictures or screenshots to confirm positions. So, I still advocate playing through email.

I still think that mail would be messy, but we can use a google document with the moves and an image of the current position if that works.

OK. It seems like this works. Sorry about all the confusion.

Also what software are you using for board diagrams?
