Voting on Whether or Not to Continue the Correspondence Tournament

To all players in the tournament: Because of all the timeout losses and the confusion over vacations, I thought that some people might not want to continue the tournament. If this is a majority of people, the tournament will end now and I will post standings.

I stated my reasons for withdrawing to Galago before and my situation has not changed. I am not continuing, sorry

I did timeout. Cant play with short time limit as Im very busy in periods. i was too optimistic. Sorry for that.

For me time is too short to be honest, especially since I have issues with using the site on my smartphone. So after a day outdoors or a night shift, when I forget to make a move, it is easy to lose a game to time.

I am still fine with continuing, but in future I would only join with more time per move.

Even tho i have no time to continue this tournament because of stuff happening in my real life...
Since many want to continue, you should do so. I wish you guys a lot of fun.
