Ban of cancel

Shouldnt it be forbidden th<at you cancel not started games without an message?
I find it quite rude and unsportmanlike

Hum… but if you didn’t saw that was a game that you don’t know the rules…

So people dont know they are on a shogiwebsite when they register here and open a game?
And even when we are talking about Variants they could at least write soory wrong game or so

The game does give you a warning that you could be suspended if you abort too many games. Although I don't know if they actually enforce it.

Are you talking about aborted games, where the opponent clicked the "abort" button before their first move, or are you talking about games where they make a couple of moves and never return?

I mean games they click abort before the game starts or never make a move. My problem with it its unsportsmalike and they should at least apologize in chat or per message

I wanna suck Your DikC man cuz u are an al qaeda member and supports osama bin laden. I wanna suck Your DikC man cuz i wanna be a gay nigger. I wanna suck Your DikC man cuz i wanna be a gay nigger. i also suspect that u r @ hāmas member who killed a fucking n*z!. u better shut up or else i will kill YOU kkk idiot.
Location: I wanna suck Your DikC man cuz u are an al qaeda member take dat id1iot
