Table Shogi Boards!

@FrostedNuke In your first photo top right, that's shogi, with the piece stand and everything, no? Also, I re-read your post and see you said the first photo included boxwood pieces. THAT'S more what I expected...beautiful. What was your experience like purchasing from miwagobanten? Do you speak/read/write Japanese?

@ohithere you're right I forgot to look at that picture again.

You don't need to read Japanese. Miwa Keiji, or if not him, whoever runs his customer service can handle English. Their site seems to just accept Japanese addresses but they will take orders via email and ship outside Japan. Expensive shipping but the USD to yen is good right now so it's a bit less painful.

Very well packed and fast shipping otherwise. No issues.

Edit: the site is in Japanese but Google translate or even better deepl fixes that.

@FrostedNuke I use it exclusively! It's okay for chairs, but the height is only about 45cm, so best is to sit on the floor. I wanted to have one of those thick shogiban like the pros have, but the non-portability and price kept me away from buying one. That's why I made this one with removable legs. At 7cm thick, it's a but heavy but still portable.

@LizardWizard wow it's shorter than it looks but 45cm is still tall to sit at. You must be tall or sit on your legs. Regarding the boards the pros use, yeah 20cm+ thick kaya are insanely expensive. Even used decent ones are hard to find and costly.

@FrostedNuke I tend to sit cross-legged or on a cushion. It's not bad at all.
And yeah, I remember looking at some beat up shogiban with cheapo pieces and I think all together with shipping it was still $200+ ....

Hey, guys. Could you tell me how can I upload the images into my reply?

Got the promised photos, but cannot seem to unload it to the thread.

It's a bit roundabout. I used to upload the images then took the links to each image and pasted them into the body of my post. Good luck!


First, My borrowed one.

They just kind of forced it on me because it was heavy, and I was too lazy to carry it back to Uni, lmao. Been a few years now.

Can you guess the order of moves and what opening is this?

Next, My own magnetic Go board.

Cost me 700 Baht

This is what it looks like.

The stones are inside.

Sorry for the photos' quality. I photoed it around midnight Lmao.

This is my favorite opening as black.

Lastly, an extra: A Xiangqi board.

Very cheap to buy, embarassed to show, haha.

Actually, there is also a Makruk board (Thai chess), but I am too lazy to try finding it, haha.

So, what do you all think? Or are any of you want to share anything more about the boards of the other board games you have?

P.S. Unfortunately, I don't have a Shogi board just yet since me playing Shogi was relatively recent. But, it will be soon, I hope.

Also, anyone want to show their favorite openings or castles onto their favorite Shogi boards?

@lovecall I also have a Go board that I made myself in a similar way as my shogi board, but it was made very quickly and without much care honestly. It ended up warping like a potato chip haha... I'm not much of a Go player so it's not a huge deal to me


Maybe we should try to play Go together sometimes. I could give you a handicap you want. I am a 3 Thai dan at Go.

Alternatively, we could play another game of correspondence Shogi together. I don't mind giving you a small piece handicap if you do want it.
