Chu Shogi Tournament

I am hosting a Chu Shogi tournament on LiShogi. I will decide the format (e.g. swiss, round robin, etc.) after I see how many players have joined. If less than four players join, than the tournament will not take place. Post in this thread if you would like to join. Please only request to join if you are wiling to schedule one match per week. After players join, I will create a team to keep
track of scores.

Hope to see some fun chu shogi matches!

Did you not see the other Chushogi tournament starting here today? Or did you not like the terms? It has 9 players I think.

@MaikeruKonare, this tournament will be more formal then an arena. It will most likely be round robin format. Games will be played by players arranging to play matches with each other on their own times. Pairings will be announced in this forum.

But the other tournament is not an arena, it's a classical swiss, there is no difference in 'formality', and players arrange the games themselves, on their own time as you say.

I would like to know more details about the tournament first and only then decide if I'm ready to dedicate my time & energy to it.

Tournament format (Swiss, round-robin) doesn't matter so much as soon as this is 1 game per week, but time control, handling adjournments, maximum duration of the tournament, date of start - all these things do matter.

Hello @AlexTrick, I would like to start the tournament on August 1st if more than four players have joined by than. If not, maybe September 1st. One round a week will be good I think. What would you be willing to commit to?

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