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All examples are from Chu Shogi Library, by Colin Adams and Nixon Bardsley
Chat room
  1. GalagoDo you know any other endgames like this?
  2. Olekazeking+prince vs king is awin
  3. Galagohow would you win it
  4. Galagothe king can just stay in the center
  5. Olekazeyou can trade your king for his king
  6. GalagoCan you add the line?
  7. GalagoYou're an editor
  8. GalagoOk I got it now
  9. OlekazeI don't know exactly what the best moves are but king + elephant vs king is a win
  10. Olekazeso this is definitely also
  11. GalagoOK
  12. Galagohow are your modern tsume going
  13. Olekazeit's pretty low quality compared to the old ones
  14. GalagoSo you're creating them>
  15. GalagoSpeaking of old ones, I heard that there were some by Ito Sokan
  16. Olekazeyeah they were good
  17. Olekazewe have studies of them
  18. Galagowho do you think were the best old chu shogi players
  19. GalagoMori, Oyama?
  20. OlekazeI know very little about chu history
  21. GalagoYeah, same
  22. WassimBerbarI don't know any at all
  23. GalagoI said because I'm looking for old games that might be interesting for analysis
  24. dax00I don't know of any complete historical game records