Chat room
- dax00
agreed - dax00
bit long though, all of this - Olekaze
I can't find anything for 2 SM takes - Olekaze
see you tomorrow - Olekaze
I'm stuck - dax00
stuck where - Olekaze
what to do if he recaptures with the side mover - dax00
which line doesn't work - dax00
oh right that one - dax00
main problem with a sac on 53 immediately is that the ox sees the file - dax00
ah found a mate! - Olekaze
looks forced - dax00
that's so much faster. i wonder if it applies to phoenix takes at first too - Olekaze
think it does - dax00
pointless blocks normally aren't included - dax00
that's Japanese convention - dax00
the silver block does nothing useful except delay, so you wouldn't include it - Olekaze
makes sense - dax00
right, that looks good enough - dax00
looks forced - Olekaze
yep - dax00
just noticed the title of this study says "chu shog" - Olekaze
fixed it - dax00
the elephant block is pointless then - dax00
I'm gonna call it a night. cya - Olekaze
me too, see you - dax00
I've been looking at the bishop on move 3. no luck - dax00
looks pretty dry after 4. king takes - Olekaze
that kirin is very annoying - Olekaze
maybe we don't need to take the phoenix - dax00
the gold is in the way though - dax00
I've run out of ideas - Olekaze
me too - Olekaze
should we check the solution - dax00
sure - dax00
still would need to find mate in the case of king takes - Olekaze
yeah, let's move on then - dax00
hi - Olekaze
hi - dax00
have we proven the mate yet? - Olekaze
no - Olekaze
he escapes to 62 on move 4 - dax00
in which variation - Olekaze
the main one - Olekaze
and others that involve a sacrifice on 65 - dax00
i see - dax00
the lion sac is more forcing on move 3 - dax00
if this works, it should be included, even if not the intended solution - Olekaze
sure though I doubt it works - dax00
yeah, looks like it doesn't work - dax00
so much effort into this puzzle - Olekaze
looks like anything involving horse takes 10 1 doesn't work - dax00
we can try other stuff for move 9 - dax00
same problem with the long variation - Olekaze
nice - dax00
thx. that looks forced - Olekaze
yep - dax00
happy with that - dax00
gotta imagine you want that eagle covering 23 - dax00
dunno where to start with this one - dax00
that was sweet - dax00
solved? - Olekaze
think so - dax00
was it that easy? - Olekaze
hm - Olekaze
probably a mistake on the website - dax00
i checked their solution - dax00
the rook piece has to be fine - dax00
only piece that could be different is the gold - dax00
if you made it a silver or leopard - dax00
hard to imagine someone just missed that mate in 5 - dax00
could just leave it as is, for an easy exercise - Olekaze
ok - dax00
i miscounted lol - dax00
leopard takes is basically the same, except the pawn isn't protected - Olekaze
I'm thinking maybe there's a way to save the ox and hide in the corner - dax00
ox is weak on the sides - dax00
would need a small piece to be defending it - Olekaze
see you tomorrow - dax00
I'm here - Olekaze
hello - dax00
i skipped one puzzle in the list since it clearly had problems - Olekaze
ok - dax00
i was stuck on this last one 2 nights ago - Olekaze
I'm ok with deleting broken puzzles to hopefully fit everything into 64 chapters - dax00
i remember the first 30 had 8 no mates - Olekaze
I don't mind them though I also wouldn't be against deleting them - dax00
it's so hard to stop the king running up the 5 file - dax00
no piece other than the white horse has any chance of blocking that file, so i think we can't lose it - Olekaze
yeah - Olekaze
looks forced - dax00
delete all the other move 1s? - Olekaze
yep - dax00
the block is pointless - Olekaze
so we don't even have to end on mate? - dax00
that's how tsume problems work - dax00
if a block doesn't do anything but stall 1 turn, it's not included - dax00
the next one looks fun - dax00
lots to consider - dax00
i need a break. cya - Olekaze
cya - Olekaze
wow - Olekaze
I'm gonna take a break, see you later - dax00
so many possible variations. got no confidence in any move - dax00
Hi. My phone died, so lishogi is the best place to contact me - dax00
On my tablet now - Olekaze
Ok - dax00
Gave up on #20. - Olekaze
Did you check the solution for it - dax00
Yeah, think they missed the dragon block - dax00
For #21, found a faster solution, assuming it’s mate after 8. Tiger takes - dax00
Longer proof than expected - dax00
Hmm, harder than I thought - dax00
Everything else is mate… - dax00
Do you see a win from there. - Olekaze
not yet - Olekaze
i'll be back a little later - dax00
welcome back - dax00
Wanna move on to the next one? I doubt the puzzle creator ever considered this line, since the queen sac wasn’t accepted - Olekaze
sure - dax00
If the king runs to 61, it’s hard - dax00
next one looks like a move order nightmare - dax00
I’m just gonna show all the checks - dax00
at least the possible ones - dax00
Think I like lion 75 better. It makes capturing the SM check in some lines - dax00
Nice - Olekaze
looks good - dax00
That isn’t mate - dax00
2 falcons vs free king isn’t easy - dax00
Looks like a fortress - dax00
Doubt mate is possible. Want to check their solution? - Olekaze
yea - dax00
their solution has bad defense - Olekaze
i guess let's move on then - dax00
elephant tiger fortress - dax00
that eagle makes the defense a lot stronger - dax00
out of ideas. Wanna check? - Olekaze
sure - dax00
How is 8. kirin block chosen over K72? - dax00
No mate again - Olekaze
I'm gonna take a break. see you - dax00
Hi - Olekaze
what's your time zone - dax00
Eastern US - Olekaze
same - dax00
what a busy position - Olekaze
gote has 3 rooks - Olekaze
guess we'll have to make one of them promoted - dax00
We can fix it later - Olekaze
see you tomorrow - dax00
Did you accidentally delete moves? - dax00
Can either make any rook promoted or the dragon unpromoted - Olekaze
what moves - dax00
For 30, many moves were deleted when I checked earlier. I redid them - Olekaze
I left on move 4 so probably not - dax00
I had gone up to move 13 last night - dax00
Maybe some kind of synchronization error - Olekaze
is 31 solved - dax00
This last line with 14. K86 - dax00
Ok all done - dax00
That’s not gonna be mate - Olekaze
we have two problems left. we'll need to delete two without solutions - dax00
#3 is nice even without a solution - dax00
#26 can go - dax00
#27 can go too - Olekaze
ok - dax00
I don’t think 9. S74= is right if 8. K63 - dax00
That’s really annoying defense - dax00
Mate looks unlikely - Olekaze
yeah - Olekaze
did you check the solution - dax00
Just checked their solution. They didn’t play 8. K63 - Olekaze
solved? - dax00
Yeah - Olekaze
i guess that's it - dax00
Are those all the old stymie? - dax00
tsume - dax00
need to turn off autocorrect - Olekaze
all the ones on the website - dax00 - Olekaze
I think i remember seeing a list of all the old tsume books - Olekaze
i'll try to find it - dax00
the site i linked has new tsume. occasionally updated - Olekaze
手詰 is the length of the puzzle? - Olekaze
at the bottom is the list of tsume I think - Olekaze - dax00
i haven’t looked at many of them - dax00
yes, tsume length - dax00
i’m fairly sure most of those don't have tsume - dax00
the ones from Ito and Ohashi could be interesting - dax00
it will be super hard to get a copy of those - Olekaze - dax00
oh, those are the Ito problems - dax00
Itō Sōkan III - dax00
we could set up another study and do those, if you like - Olekaze
yeah let's do it - Olekaze
what should we name it - dax00
Ito Sokan tsume - Olekaze - dax00
currently checking #10, move 8