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  1. dax00agreed
  2. dax00bit long though, all of this
  3. OlekazeI can't find anything for 2 SM takes
  4. Olekazesee you tomorrow
  5. OlekazeI'm stuck
  6. dax00stuck where
  7. Olekazewhat to do if he recaptures with the side mover
  8. dax00which line doesn't work
  9. dax00oh right that one
  10. dax00main problem with a sac on 53 immediately is that the ox sees the file
  11. dax00ah found a mate!
  12. Olekazelooks forced
  13. dax00that's so much faster. i wonder if it applies to phoenix takes at first too
  14. Olekazethink it does
  15. dax00pointless blocks normally aren't included
  16. dax00that's Japanese convention
  17. dax00the silver block does nothing useful except delay, so you wouldn't include it
  18. Olekazemakes sense
  19. dax00right, that looks good enough
  20. dax00looks forced
  21. Olekazeyep
  22. dax00just noticed the title of this study says "chu shog"
  23. Olekazefixed it
  24. dax00the elephant block is pointless then
  25. dax00I'm gonna call it a night. cya
  26. Olekazeme too, see you
  27. dax00I've been looking at the bishop on move 3. no luck
  28. dax00looks pretty dry after 4. king takes
  29. Olekazethat kirin is very annoying
  30. Olekazemaybe we don't need to take the phoenix
  31. dax00the gold is in the way though
  32. dax00I've run out of ideas
  33. Olekazeme too
  34. Olekazeshould we check the solution
  35. dax00sure
  36. dax00still would need to find mate in the case of king takes
  37. Olekazeyeah, let's move on then
  38. dax00hi
  39. Olekazehi
  40. dax00have we proven the mate yet?
  41. Olekazeno
  42. Olekazehe escapes to 62 on move 4
  43. dax00in which variation
  44. Olekazethe main one
  45. Olekazeand others that involve a sacrifice on 65
  46. dax00i see
  47. dax00the lion sac is more forcing on move 3
  48. dax00if this works, it should be included, even if not the intended solution
  49. Olekazesure though I doubt it works
  50. dax00yeah, looks like it doesn't work
  51. dax00so much effort into this puzzle
  52. Olekazelooks like anything involving horse takes 10 1 doesn't work
  53. dax00we can try other stuff for move 9
  54. dax00same problem with the long variation
  55. Olekazenice
  56. dax00thx. that looks forced
  57. Olekazeyep
  58. dax00happy with that
  59. dax00gotta imagine you want that eagle covering 23
  60. dax00dunno where to start with this one
  61. dax00that was sweet
  62. dax00solved?
  63. Olekazethink so
  64. dax00was it that easy?
  65. Olekazehm
  66. Olekazeprobably a mistake on the website
  67. dax00i checked their solution
  68. dax00the rook piece has to be fine
  69. dax00only piece that could be different is the gold
  70. dax00if you made it a silver or leopard
  71. dax00hard to imagine someone just missed that mate in 5
  72. dax00could just leave it as is, for an easy exercise
  73. Olekazeok
  74. dax00i miscounted lol
  75. dax00leopard takes is basically the same, except the pawn isn't protected
  76. OlekazeI'm thinking maybe there's a way to save the ox and hide in the corner
  77. dax00ox is weak on the sides
  78. dax00would need a small piece to be defending it
  79. Olekazesee you tomorrow
  80. dax00I'm here
  81. Olekazehello
  82. dax00i skipped one puzzle in the list since it clearly had problems
  83. Olekazeok
  84. dax00i was stuck on this last one 2 nights ago
  85. OlekazeI'm ok with deleting broken puzzles to hopefully fit everything into 64 chapters
  86. dax00i remember the first 30 had 8 no mates
  87. OlekazeI don't mind them though I also wouldn't be against deleting them
  88. dax00it's so hard to stop the king running up the 5 file
  89. dax00no piece other than the white horse has any chance of blocking that file, so i think we can't lose it
  90. Olekazeyeah
  91. Olekazelooks forced
  92. dax00delete all the other move 1s?
  93. Olekazeyep
  94. dax00the block is pointless
  95. Olekazeso we don't even have to end on mate?
  96. dax00that's how tsume problems work
  97. dax00if a block doesn't do anything but stall 1 turn, it's not included
  98. dax00the next one looks fun
  99. dax00lots to consider
  100. dax00i need a break. cya
  101. Olekazecya
  102. Olekazewow
  103. OlekazeI'm gonna take a break, see you later
  104. dax00so many possible variations. got no confidence in any move
  105. dax00Hi. My phone died, so lishogi is the best place to contact me
  106. dax00On my tablet now
  107. OlekazeOk
  108. dax00Gave up on #20.
  109. OlekazeDid you check the solution for it
  110. dax00Yeah, think they missed the dragon block
  111. dax00For #21, found a faster solution, assuming it’s mate after 8. Tiger takes
  112. dax00Longer proof than expected
  113. dax00Hmm, harder than I thought
  114. dax00Everything else is mate…
  115. dax00Do you see a win from there.
  116. Olekazenot yet
  117. Olekazei'll be back a little later
  118. dax00welcome back
  119. dax00Wanna move on to the next one? I doubt the puzzle creator ever considered this line, since the queen sac wasn’t accepted
  120. Olekazesure
  121. dax00If the king runs to 61, it’s hard
  122. dax00next one looks like a move order nightmare
  123. dax00I’m just gonna show all the checks
  124. dax00at least the possible ones
  125. dax00Think I like lion 75 better. It makes capturing the SM check in some lines
  126. dax00Nice
  127. Olekazelooks good
  128. dax00That isn’t mate
  129. dax002 falcons vs free king isn’t easy
  130. dax00Looks like a fortress
  131. dax00Doubt mate is possible. Want to check their solution?
  132. Olekazeyea
  133. dax00their solution has bad defense
  134. Olekazei guess let's move on then
  135. dax00elephant tiger fortress
  136. dax00that eagle makes the defense a lot stronger
  137. dax00out of ideas. Wanna check?
  138. Olekazesure
  139. dax00How is 8. kirin block chosen over K72?
  140. dax00No mate again
  141. OlekazeI'm gonna take a break. see you
  142. dax00Hi
  143. Olekazewhat's your time zone
  144. dax00Eastern US
  145. Olekazesame
  146. dax00what a busy position
  147. Olekazegote has 3 rooks
  148. Olekazeguess we'll have to make one of them promoted
  149. dax00We can fix it later
  150. Olekazesee you tomorrow
  151. dax00Did you accidentally delete moves?
  152. dax00Can either make any rook promoted or the dragon unpromoted
  153. Olekazewhat moves
  154. dax00For 30, many moves were deleted when I checked earlier. I redid them
  155. OlekazeI left on move 4 so probably not
  156. dax00I had gone up to move 13 last night
  157. dax00Maybe some kind of synchronization error
  158. Olekazeis 31 solved
  159. dax00This last line with 14. K86
  160. dax00Ok all done
  161. dax00That’s not gonna be mate
  162. Olekazewe have two problems left. we'll need to delete two without solutions
  163. dax00#3 is nice even without a solution
  164. dax00#26 can go
  165. dax00#27 can go too
  166. Olekazeok
  167. dax00I don’t think 9. S74= is right if 8. K63
  168. dax00That’s really annoying defense
  169. dax00Mate looks unlikely
  170. Olekazeyeah
  171. Olekazedid you check the solution
  172. dax00Just checked their solution. They didn’t play 8. K63
  173. Olekazesolved?
  174. dax00Yeah
  175. Olekazei guess that's it
  176. dax00Are those all the old stymie?
  177. dax00tsume
  178. dax00need to turn off autocorrect
  179. Olekazeall the ones on the website
  181. OlekazeI think i remember seeing a list of all the old tsume books
  182. Olekazei'll try to find it
  183. dax00the site i linked has new tsume. occasionally updated
  184. Olekaze手詰 is the length of the puzzle?
  185. Olekazeat the bottom is the list of tsume I think
  187. dax00i haven’t looked at many of them
  188. dax00yes, tsume length
  189. dax00i’m fairly sure most of those don't have tsume
  190. dax00the ones from Ito and Ohashi could be interesting
  191. dax00it will be super hard to get a copy of those
  193. dax00oh, those are the Ito problems
  194. dax00Itō Sōkan III
  195. dax00we could set up another study and do those, if you like
  196. Olekazeyeah let's do it
  197. Olekazewhat should we name it
  198. dax00Ito Sokan tsume
  200. dax00currently checking #10, move 8