Easy brinkmate(hisshi) for beginners(WIP)
81 - karakoro -- introduction
- Q1 attack from two sides
- karakoro
Static Rook Basics 2nd Edition (2023)
80 - LilyLionmane -- This Study
- Introduction
- The First Move
- The Pawn Exchange
- LilyLionmane
Takodori's real game tsume
64 - takodori -- #2-"Delayed Capture" tactic
- #1-Don't give the King wider space to run
- #3-"Delayed Capture" again
- #4-Which to drop first, Silver or Bishop?
- takodori
ultimate shogi tutorial
63 - LilyLionmane -- the starting position
- the king
- the gold generals
- the silver generals
- LilyLionmane
See the Logical Move by Kouji Tanigawa - Opening (WIP)
56 - kohata_nobuko -- 0. Intro
- 1. Predict the opening by 4 moves - double wing attack
- 1. Predict the opening by 4 moves - bishop exchange
- 1. Predict the opening by 4 moves - side pawn picker
- kohata_nobuko
Shogitown's Easy Hisshi Collection
55 - awakechinchilla -- 第1問(1月7日出題)
- 第2問(1月14日出題)
- 第3問(1月21日出題)
- 第4問(1月28日出題)
- awakechinchilla
Double Ranging Rook for beginners
53 - karakoro -- Introduction
- What is ”Double Ranging Rook”?
- step to build up
- how to attack
- karakoro
Bishop Exchange Rightside King
52 - karakoro -- introduction
- what is "Rightside King"?
- step to build up
- how to attack
- karakoro
Normal Sankenbisha vs Migi-Shikenbisha
50 - Aavygeil -- Introduction
- Against Gote's P-65 Super Rapid Engage
- Against Gote's P-65 Rapid Engage
- Against Gote's Edge Attack
- Aavygeil