yellowtrafficlight's Study

1 - yellowtrafficlight -
    1. yellowtrafficlight

    Lightning Speed Endgame Technique by Kōji Tanigawa (WIP)

    17 - yellowtrafficlight -
    1. Introduction
    2. Chapter 1: The Theme of the Endgame (Tanigawa - Nakahara)
    3. Chapter 2: The Fierce Struggle Below the Surface (Tanigawa - Kiriyama)
    4. Chapter 3: Sensing Your Distance from the Enemy King (Tanigawa - Takahashi)
    1. yellowtrafficlight

    8th CosmOu League 2

    1 - yellowtrafficlight -
    1. Intro
    2. Gote vs. TO1208 (3-Dan)
    3. Gote vs. clausewits (3-Dan)
    4. Sente vs. unmelty (2-Dan)
    1. yellowtrafficlight

    Anaguma Tsume

    4 - yellowtrafficlight -
    1. Credits
    2. 9te
    3. 9te
    1. yellowtrafficlight

    SF Shogi Club Monthly Meeting

    1 - yellowtrafficlight -
    1. iongrey - SFnshimo
    2. iongrey - YPYDVPDYA
    3. iongrey - Chushingura
    4. iongrey - SFShogi1
    1. yellowtrafficlight

    81Dojo Game Review

    1 - yellowtrafficlight -
    1. iongrey - yushirou
    2. syougi54 - iongrey
    3. iongrey - makoharu33r
    4. iongrey - kabosu1018
    1. yellowtrafficlight

    SC24 Game Review

    1 - yellowtrafficlight -
    1. tora1018(1636) - iongrey(1500)
    2. iongrey(1768) - norifumi(1728)
    3. iongrey(1888) - xiuxiu1950(1871)
    1. yellowtrafficlight

    Shogi Sunday Kifu

    1 - yellowtrafficlight -
    1. iongrey - kaoru_mori
    2. morinagatanishi - iongrey
    3. iongrey - keima4
    1. yellowtrafficlight
    2. LP Shogi_Harbour

    Mipha Teaching Games

    1 - yellowtrafficlight -
    1. iongrey - Escape_Artist
    2. iongrey - Escape_Artist
    1. yellowtrafficlight

    Little Josekis

    1 - yellowtrafficlight -
    1. Anaguma Edge, Two Ways
    1. yellowtrafficlight

    13th 81Ou League-B

    1 - yellowtrafficlight -
    1. Nontan0826 - iongrey
    2. makoharu33r - iongrey
    3. WhiteShark - iongrey
    4. iongrey - tetsuo14
    1. yellowtrafficlight

    TT Series Games

    1 - yellowtrafficlight -
    1. iongrey - LittleMage
    2. 4adun - iongrey
    3. BaoThach - iongrey
    4. iongrey - Kent
    1. yellowtrafficlight

    SC24 Game Review

    1 - yellowtrafficlight -
    1. NISHI1237(1864) - iongrey(1832)
    2. fantasystem(1882) - iongrey(1849)
    3. takaha-shi(1932) - iongrey(1834)
    4. 544348(1761) - iongrey(1854)
    1. yellowtrafficlight
    2. Alexei

    2014 Osho Title Match

    1 - yellowtrafficlight -
    1. 渡辺明王将 - 郷田真隆
    2. 郷田真隆 - 渡辺明王将
    3. 渡辺明王将 - 郷田真隆
    4. 郷田真隆 - 渡辺明
    1. yellowtrafficlight

    2016 Osho Title Match

    6 - yellowtrafficlight -
    1. 郷田真隆 王将 - 久保利明 九段
    2. 久保利明 九段 - 郷田真隆 王将
    3. 郷田真隆王将 - 久保利明九段
    4. 久保利明 九段 - 郷田真隆 王将
    1. yellowtrafficlight
    2. Alexei
    3. Umbreon197

    14th 81Ou League-B

    1 - yellowtrafficlight -
    1. iongrey - makoharu33r
    2. morinagatanishi - iongrey
    3. Nontan0826 - iongrey
    4. iongrey - ryuryushima427
    1. yellowtrafficlight