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1Ln-782P-553Ln-864P-855Lnx95-966Ln-757GB-977.Ln-788.Ln-578Ln-579P-889.P-58Dubious move10.Lnx48-4710Lnx48-4710.Lnx!48[Galago] More aggressive, preparing to move toward sente's lion.[WassimBerbar] Blocks the diagonal for the bishop and horse battery11.P-3812.Ln-7613.P-58[Galago] Adding an attacker to the 9-5 square to prevent a pawn push there.14.P-9515.Hx9515.Lnx!9516.D-94[Galago] This must be good for gote.16.H-8416.D-9417.Hx84+18.Dx8419.Ln-7820.R-9321.GB-9822.P-3523.P-a824.H-2512.Ln-47Attack13.P-4814.Lnx!4815.H-2816.H-39+17.Rx3918.Bx39+19.D-4b11.P-58Dubious move12.Lnx58-4713.H-7714.Hx39+15.Rx3916.Lnx3917.VM-2b18.Lnx!4911.Ln-7610.H-7611.P-6812.Lnx48-4713.H-6714.Hx6714.H76-6615.FK-6915.Px6716.Hx39+17.Rx3918.Bx39+19.FK-6920.Ln-5721.P-5822.Ln-3723.H-7723.H-5924.Ln-38[WassimBerbar] Lions are great for defending pieces from a distance12.Lnx!6813.P-8714.Lnx48-4714.Lnx!4815.H-6716.Hx6717.FKx6718.H-5719.FK-7720.B-65[WassimBerbar] Tricky movee threatening B-66 and B-5616.H76-6617.FK-6918.Ln-3719.Hx6620.Hx6621.Ln-7821.Lnx!8522.P-9523.Lnx!95[WassimBerbar] Very dynamic position.22.Ln-5722.Hx39+BlunderBlunder23.Rx3924.Bx39+25.FK-6726.Ln-3827.Ln-5828.B-6529.Hx3930.Lnx!3931.FKx65Sente is winning11H-6712P-95An interesting move to activate the big pieces quickly, but I'm still figuring out where in the line it's most effective.12.Hx39+13.Rx3914.Bx39+15.H-4b15.Hx3916.Lnx3917.VM-2b16.Ln-3817.P-8718.P-95!19.Lnx!9519.Ln-7720.D-9418.+Bx2a19.Dx2a19.SMx2a20.P-9521.Ln-7722.Lnx49-4823.D-8824.Ln-46Sente is betterSente is better13Ln-7713.Lnx!9514.D-9415.Ln-77IMO this is the best move. Let Gote suffer with missplaced lion.16.H-75The most active developing move for gote.17.GB-98Pawns can't go backwards but GBs can. Gote's move, what does he do to keep fast development?17.P-98This might be too weakening.18.FK-b719.Ln-6820.H43-6520.GB-4621.P-b822.FK-9523.H-7724.H-8625.P-8726.Hx7727.Lnx77-7815.Lnx85-86?!Leads to the variation below. Open lines for Gote to exploit.16.FK-8317.Ln-6818.H-65This could be a better option as it adds pressure to the VM pawn.18.GB-46Here sente's counterplay against gote's lion is actually pretty limited because of the power of the horse+bishop battery14Hx39+15Rx3916Bx39+17H-4b18FK-84There's defense on that entire rank.18.H-65
Chat room
  1. WassimBerbarPlease give feedback if I missed ideas or mistakes in the study
  2. dax00P 68, Ln 75, Ln 78, P 55. If sente wants high lion with Ln 67, then P 65. Gote is very happy.
  3. dax00Ln 58, Ln 65, P 68, P 55. If Ln 67 like you have there, then simply Ln 87 winning the GB. Of course, Gote can also accept the GB exch
  4. dax00exchange on move 2 with Ln 75
  5. dax00P 68 with the lion centralized forward is generally very anti-positional
  6. dax00move 10 in that line, P 56, threatening Ln 57 and FK 27
  7. dax00I mean Fk 37
  8. dax0015. p 67 is wrong
  9. WassimBerbarhow?
  10. dax00Ln 87
  11. WassimBerbarin the line you mentioned, gote has the lead
  12. dax0016. DH 76 looks good
  13. dax00Yeah, p 68 is a move that just asks for trouble
  14. WassimBerbaryou mean 73? and which dragon, the 8th or 5th file dragon?
  15. dax00no, the horse
  16. WassimBerbarI will correct myself in the 1st chapter
  17. dax00similar problem with 1. P 78, which is only slightly better because sente can be annoying with the queen
  18. WassimBerbarso the best moves we know for sure are P-48, P-88, Ln-78 and Ln-68
  19. dax00Played well, it takes like 30-40 moves to punish P 78.
  20. WassimBerbar4.P-55 takes care of 1.P-68
  21. dax00Yeah, 4 playable first moves. The rest are dubious
  22. WassimBerbarand piece moves on the back row are just a waste of time
  23. dax00Actually, Ln-58 is probably playable
  24. dax00super tricky
  25. dax00never hit the lion with an early pawn in the GB exchange
  26. dax00GB exchange is the trickiest, sharpest opening there is
  27. WassimBerbarI will add it in my toolbox
  28. WassimBerbaras I like tricky and sharp stuff
  29. dax00You have to be ridiculously accurate
  30. dax00You know sideways pawn in regular shogi?
  31. WassimBerbarno
  32. WassimBerbarwhat is it?
  34. WassimBerbarthe position looks very similar to GB exchange
  35. WassimBerbarboth sides snack pawns on their enemy side
  36. dax00It's a very sharp opening. Scary to play
  37. dax00GB exchange in chu shogi is more terrifying
  38. WassimBerbarwith humans handling GB exchange, likeliness of people playing accurately as a computer is non existent
  39. dax00Have you seen my GB exchange study?
  40. WassimBerbaryes
  41. AlexTrickI haven't
  42. AlexTrickSend a link there, please
  44. dax00I only covered a fraction of my prep
  45. hydroshadowwow
  46. WassimBerbargotta go, I will ccome back to correct mistakes and add dax's system
  47. WassimBerbarhi
  48. Galagohi!
  49. Galagooh, this is my weird gambit
  50. WassimBerbarlooks similar to bg exchange
  51. WassimBerbargb*
  52. Galagoit is, just more interesting and also worse because you don't always win back the gb
  53. WassimBerbarI read your blog on shogiandvariants.blogspot
  54. Galagothanks
  55. Galagowhat did you think?
  56. WassimBerbarcall me Wassim, please
  57. Galagook
  58. WassimBerbarexcept that, it's very clear and well explained
  59. WassimBerbarquite short though
  60. Galagoyeah, I wasn't sure so I just went with full usernames
  61. GalagoIt's a work in progress
  62. WassimBerbarvery nice start for the blog
  63. Galagomore to come
  64. Galagoif i get gote in my next chu shogi game, I will play into GB exchange lol
  65. WassimBerbarspeaking about gb exchange, what happened during my absence?
  66. Galagothe tournament started ( and soem games had weird endings, and I became obsessed with Tenjiku
  67. GalagoAlexTrick blundered mate in 1
  68. Galagoand Olekaze lost a game that he ended with double the time on the clock
  69. Galagoand one player forfeited because of technical issues
  70. WassimBerbarvery interesting
  71. WassimBerbarsorry if I wasn't online for a while
  72. WassimBerbarI'll try to be present as often as I can
  73. WassimBerbargotta go, bye