Third File Rook

14 - Klyeth -
  1. Introduction
  2. Normal 3rd File 1: Basics
  3. Normal 3rd File 2: vs Climbing Silver
  4. Normal 3rd File 3: vs Ureshino Style
  1. Klyeth

Normal Third File v Rapid Attack

22 - syncr0 -
  1. Introduction
  2. Boat
  3. Elmo
  4. Left Mino
  1. syncr0

Beginner's Central Rook

86 - syncr0 -
  1. Introduction
  2. Normal Central Rook
  3. Gokigen Central Rook
  4. Opening Moves as Sente
  1. syncr0

List of Castles

372 - antoniodgreat -
  1. Mino- Basics
  2. Mino- Concepts
  3. Advancing to High Mino
  4. High Mino to Silver Crown
  1. antoniodgreat