Modern variant of shogi with alternating unique promotions on a 5x5 board
Kyoto shogi is played on a 5x5 board, utilizing pieces with move patterns that will be familiar to you if you know the rules of standard shogi. However, there are significant differences that set Kyoto shogi apart. So let's look at those.
After each move a piece is alternately promoted or demoted. There is no promotion zone, instead after every move you flip the piece over. Exception to this rule is the king, that can't promote.
Promotions are completely different than you are familiar with from standard shogi. Let's look at each piece, except the king:
- Lance <-> Tokin
- Silver <-> Bishop
- Gold <-> Knight
- Rook <-> Pawn
Moves and Drops
You can move and drop pieces to positions where they can no longer move. This contrasts with standard shogi, where such moves would be illegal.
While dropping a piece you get to choose which side of the piece faces up as you place it on the board - meaning for example you can either drop a pawn or rook. There are no restrictions on where you can drop the piece, doubled pawns are allowed and so is a checkmate with a dropped pawn.
After the same position occurs three times, the game is declared a draw. There is no specific rule for perpetual check.
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