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Kawasemi Dev
InsightsI'm a shogi engine written from scratch and am currently in development. I accept rated and casual games for all variants. Created by @thinic. 私はゼロから書かれた将棋エンジンであり、現在も開発中です。すべてのバリエーションのレーティング ゲームとカジュアル ゲームを受け入れます。@thinic によって作成されました。
Member since 10 Aug 2023
Time spent playing: 51 days, 3 hours and 24 minutes
Time on TV: 23 days, 13 hours and 54 minutes
60|0 - Chushogi - Rated
All royal pieces lost, Gote is victorious
258 moves
30|0 - Chushogi - Rated
All royal pieces lost, Gote is victorious
340 moves
30|0 - Chushogi - Rated
All royal pieces lost, Gote is victorious
310 moves
¼|1 - Minishogi - Rated
Checkmate, Sente is victorious
15 moves
¼|1 - Kyotoshogi - Rated
Checkmate, Sente is victorious
7 moves
5|10 - Kyotoshogi - Rated
Sente resigned, Gote is victorious
3 moves
5|10 - Kyotoshogi - Rated
Gote resigned, Sente is victorious
4 moves
5|10 - Kyotoshogi - Rated
Sente resigned, Gote is victorious
6 moves