5|30 - Rapid - Casual - 葵杯 ArenaMajin_Buu1500?sakurasyou1500?Sente resigned, Gote is victorious130 moves
5|30 - Rapid - Casual - 葵杯 Arenakallsium1926sakurasyou1500?Sente resigned, Gote is victorious104 moves
5|30 - Rapid - Casual - 葵杯 Arenasakurasyou1500?migishiken8021500?Gote resigned, Sente is victorious95 moves
5|30 - Rapid - Casual - 葵杯 ArenaHanamarucha1168?sakurasyou1500?Sente left the game, Gote is victorious36 moves
5|30 - Rapid - Casual - 葵杯 Arenasakurasyou1500?tanakatarouLion1500?Gote resigned, Sente is victorious93 moves
5|30 - Rapid - Casual - 葵杯 Arenasakurasyou1500?migishiken8021500?Gote left the game, Sente is victorious37 moves