Swiss classical tournament #2 - Rules

Standings after the fourth round:

Tepin 4
Ashiok 3
Olekaze 3
Mitthrawnuruodo 2
xyxcxyxc 2
AlexTrick 2
Galago 2
DoubleD91 2
MaikeruKonare 1

Final fifth round pairings:

Board 1 Tepin vs Mitthrawnuruodo
Board 2 Olekaze vs Ashiok
Board 3 Galago vs xyxcxyxc
Board 4 MaikeruKonare vs DoubleD91

AlexTrick bye.

Final standings:
1.Tepin 5/5 BucT 13, Buc1 12
2. Ashiok 4/5 BucT 14.5, Buc1 12.5
3. Olekaze 3/5 BucT 12.5, Buc1 11.5
4. AlexTrick 3/5 BucT 12, Buc1 11
5. xyxcxyxc 3/5 BucT 11, Buc1 10
6. Mitthrawnuruodo 2/5 BucT 13.5, Buc1 12.5
7. Galago 2/5 BucT 13.5, Buc1 12
8. DoubleD91 2/5 BucT9.5, Buc1 8.5
9.MaikeruKonare 1/5 BucT 14, Buc1 12

Congrats to Tepin for winning the event!
Thanks everyone for participating!


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