Chat room
- dax00
falcon 10-1 isn't check - dax00
it's hard when they king runs away - dax00
are we sure this has a solution - Olekaze
I'm not sure. we can check the website's solution - dax00
i don't think the defense in their solution was very good - dax00
why would anyone play elephant blocks - Olekaze - Olekaze
was their first solution not even ending in check - Olekaze - Olekaze
they can't do a ladder mate - dax00
I'm not convinced there's a solution - Olekaze
same - dax00
Gonna say there's no mate and move on to problem 8 - Olekaze
yea - Olekaze
there's difference between the websites - Olekaze
the newer one has a side mover above the reverse chariot - Olekaze
and has a dragon instead of horse - Olekaze - dax00
hmm, that changes things for sure - Olekaze
I know these puzzles are from a book from the 1700. I dont know where to find the original - dax00 - dax00
i found the puzzle - Olekaze
ours looks correct - dax00
it uses old notation lol - dax00
I'm not convinced this has a solution either - dax00
what do you think. mate looks unlikely to me - Olekaze
I agree - dax00
important when making puzzles to find the best defense - Olekaze
next one? - dax00
sure - dax00
lots of pieces - Olekaze
there might be a mistake - Olekaze
it's good now - dax00
on 71, the rook? - Olekaze
the rook is good. I made the falcon into an eagle by mistake - dax00
i mean that it's a promoted form - dax00
on the site, it's unpromoted - Olekaze - Olekaze
in the book it's also promoted - Olekaze - Olekaze
here's all of them - dax00
are you gonna delete 7 and 8 since they have no solution? - Olekaze
I think I'll keep them and say there's no solution - Olekaze
and mark the moves that don't work - dax00
so any way you take the rook is M11 - Olekaze
yep - dax00
well actually, i wanna test other blocking options - Olekaze
I guess that's the solution - dax00
isn't 5.FK12 just faster - Olekaze
and that skips the whole chase sequence? - dax00
think so. still have some blocking options to check - dax00
I'm gonna take a break. It's my mom's birthday - Olekaze
ok see you later - dax00
mate in 9, looks like - Olekaze
this website says 7 - Olekaze
but looks like it's 9 - dax00
tsume 11 looks like it involves lots of sacrifices - Olekaze
I think the point of the white horse and bishop is to get rid of the free king to free the 55 squere - dax00
yeah, just can't figure out the correct timing - dax00
it's tricky - dax00
my head hurts. you stand a better chance of solving it - dax00
well spotted! - Olekaze
I'll work more on it more later - WassimBerbar
thanks a lot! - dax00
have to check 8) K44 - dax00
i think 11 is not mate - dax00
probably done cool move wee haven't found yet - dax00
*some cool - dax00
i checked the intended solution, and it looks like they didn't play best defense - Olekaze
for 11? - dax00
another no mate, probably. for 12 - dax00
11 also thinking no mate - Olekaze
these puzzles are very well designed. I'm surprised there are so many with no solution - dax00
it's really hard to make clean puzzles with so many potential piece types - Olekaze
Are you checking the solutions in the book or in the website - dax00
you think they'd be different? - dax00
website - Olekaze
i think they are - dax00
just looked at the book solution - dax00
they're the same - dax00
both play 8. K61 instead of blocking on 35 - dax00
they even play 10. BT-83 instead of the more resilient BT-72 - dax00
two different places where best defense is missed - Olekaze
ok I made 13 - dax00
looks solved - Olekaze
looks too easy - Olekaze
but yes - dax00
at least it had a solution - dax00
that's gotta be the solution. m13 - dax00
do we delete anything not 1. D21? - Olekaze
yes - Olekaze
isn't it mate in 15 - dax00
the 13 is forced - dax00
just checked their solution lol - Olekaze
I guess that's it - dax00
yeah, mate in 9 - dax00
only 3 pieces to work with huh - dax00
the lion mate is enough to prove WH73 doesn't work - Olekaze
is copper block any different - dax00
if you play falcon 11-3, the blocks work bc it's a different diagonal - dax00
nvm - dax00
the blocks are still no good. K54 is the way to go - Olekaze
I don't see any way to mate - dax00
I'm stuck too - dax00
looked at the intended solution. more bad defense - dax00
I'll be back tomorrow - Olekaze
see you - dax00
doubt that #17 has a mate either - dax00
this one has a solution, thankfully - dax00
I'm happy with that - Olekaze
it was pretty good - dax00
long mate, this one - Olekaze
I don't see anything shorter - dax00
cool sequence, so i don't mind - dax00
the mate is trivial after this - dax00
gotta be some crazy sacrifice - Olekaze
solved? - dax00
i think solved - dax00
so many pieces, #21 - dax00
well, you can't let the king back into that castle - Olekaze
looks forced - dax00
definitely forced after the 2nd lion sac - Olekaze
should I delete all other variations - dax00
yeah sure - Olekaze
the website has a gb instead of a lance for some reason - Olekaze
i'll fix it - dax00
starting to doubt there's a solution - dax00
not seeing it - Olekaze
let's check the solution? - dax00
the book solution misses again. that block is so weakening - dax00
K52 is much better - dax00
gonna call this no mate - Olekaze
agree - Olekaze
I think I'm done for today. see you tomorrow - dax00
cya tomorrow - dax00
I'm stuck - Olekaze
me too - dax00
should we look at the intended solution? - Olekaze
sure - Olekaze
I can't find anything - dax00
yeah seems like it didn't consider the better defense yet again - dax00
wanna say this is no mate - dax00
that's pretty good - dax00
ok, I'm satisfied that mate is forced - Olekaze
looks good - dax00
delete all the other first moves? - Olekaze
sure - Olekaze
looks solved - dax00
typing in the SFEN is a lot faster than using the board editor - Olekaze
looks complicated - Olekaze
I'd have to memorize the piece abbreviations - dax00
lion = N. side mover = M. kirin = O. phoenix = X. reverse chariot = A. go-between = i. the rest are straightforward - Olekaze
is that the standard or only for lishogi - dax00
just lishogi - Olekaze
if you're in the promotion zone you can only promote by capturing right - Olekaze
yeah - dax00
yeah, stricter promotion rules - Olekaze
I can't find a mate - dax00
i give up too - dax00
did you have a look at the intended solution yet? - Olekaze
I looked at the one on the website and it's bad - Olekaze
ha captures the phoenix on 3 - dax00
it's the same without taking, just 2 moves faster - Olekaze
ah makes sense - dax00
just need to check K31 now - Olekaze
I think it's solved - Olekaze
27 I mean - Olekaze
never mind - dax00
that looks good - Olekaze
Yes - dax00
that lion sacrifice is nasty - dax00
is that it? - Olekaze
Think so - dax00
it's nice seeing 跳 in the notation. that was my suggestion - Olekaze
Why not the kanji from the diagonal mover - dax00
it means jumping - Olekaze
Which one - dax00
跳 - Olekaze
So it's a jumping falcon? - Olekaze
Makes more sense than a horned falcon - Olekaze
See you tomorrow - dax00
no, i mean the qualifiers that differentiate when multiple pieces of the same type can reach that square - Olekaze
Oh makes sense - dax00
found a mate for #30 😁 - Olekaze
nice, I guess we can move on to the first 38 puzzles - Olekaze - dax00
were there any other tsume problems you wanted to add? - Olekaze
this site has 68 problems - Olekaze - Olekaze
we did the last 30 - Olekaze
or maybe 30 is enough - Olekaze
there's also there ones - Olekaze - Olekaze
not sure I want to do all of them - dax00
not sure - Olekaze
I could also just copypaste all of them and give the author's solutions without checking them - dax00
we've got to at least check solutions - Olekaze
are you interested in helping solve the other 38 problems like we did for these ones - dax00
yeah i can help - Olekaze
ok, here's the study