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  1. dax00falcon 10-1 isn't check
  2. dax00it's hard when they king runs away
  3. dax00are we sure this has a solution
  4. OlekazeI'm not sure. we can check the website's solution
  5. dax00i don't think the defense in their solution was very good
  6. dax00why would anyone play elephant blocks
  8. Olekazewas their first solution not even ending in check
  10. Olekazethey can't do a ladder mate
  11. dax00I'm not convinced there's a solution
  12. Olekazesame
  13. dax00Gonna say there's no mate and move on to problem 8
  14. Olekazeyea
  15. Olekazethere's difference between the websites
  16. Olekazethe newer one has a side mover above the reverse chariot
  17. Olekazeand has a dragon instead of horse
  19. dax00hmm, that changes things for sure
  20. OlekazeI know these puzzles are from a book from the 1700. I dont know where to find the original
  22. dax00i found the puzzle
  23. Olekazeours looks correct
  24. dax00it uses old notation lol
  25. dax00I'm not convinced this has a solution either
  26. dax00what do you think. mate looks unlikely to me
  27. OlekazeI agree
  28. dax00important when making puzzles to find the best defense
  29. Olekazenext one?
  30. dax00sure
  31. dax00lots of pieces
  32. Olekazethere might be a mistake
  33. Olekazeit's good now
  34. dax00on 71, the rook?
  35. Olekazethe rook is good. I made the falcon into an eagle by mistake
  36. dax00i mean that it's a promoted form
  37. dax00on the site, it's unpromoted
  39. Olekazein the book it's also promoted
  41. Olekazehere's all of them
  42. dax00are you gonna delete 7 and 8 since they have no solution?
  43. OlekazeI think I'll keep them and say there's no solution
  44. Olekazeand mark the moves that don't work
  45. dax00so any way you take the rook is M11
  46. Olekazeyep
  47. dax00well actually, i wanna test other blocking options
  48. OlekazeI guess that's the solution
  49. dax00isn't 5.FK12 just faster
  50. Olekazeand that skips the whole chase sequence?
  51. dax00think so. still have some blocking options to check
  52. dax00I'm gonna take a break. It's my mom's birthday
  53. Olekazeok see you later
  54. dax00mate in 9, looks like
  55. Olekazethis website says 7
  56. Olekazebut looks like it's 9
  57. dax00tsume 11 looks like it involves lots of sacrifices
  58. OlekazeI think the point of the white horse and bishop is to get rid of the free king to free the 55 squere
  59. dax00yeah, just can't figure out the correct timing
  60. dax00it's tricky
  61. dax00my head hurts. you stand a better chance of solving it
  62. dax00well spotted!
  63. OlekazeI'll work more on it more later
  64. WassimBerbarthanks a lot!
  65. dax00have to check 8) K44
  66. dax00i think 11 is not mate
  67. dax00probably done cool move wee haven't found yet
  68. dax00*some cool
  69. dax00i checked the intended solution, and it looks like they didn't play best defense
  70. Olekazefor 11?
  71. dax00another no mate, probably. for 12
  72. dax0011 also thinking no mate
  73. Olekazethese puzzles are very well designed. I'm surprised there are so many with no solution
  74. dax00it's really hard to make clean puzzles with so many potential piece types
  75. OlekazeAre you checking the solutions in the book or in the website
  76. dax00you think they'd be different?
  77. dax00website
  78. Olekazei think they are
  79. dax00just looked at the book solution
  80. dax00they're the same
  81. dax00both play 8. K61 instead of blocking on 35
  82. dax00they even play 10. BT-83 instead of the more resilient BT-72
  83. dax00two different places where best defense is missed
  84. Olekazeok I made 13
  85. dax00looks solved
  86. Olekazelooks too easy
  87. Olekazebut yes
  88. dax00at least it had a solution
  89. dax00that's gotta be the solution. m13
  90. dax00do we delete anything not 1. D21?
  91. Olekazeyes
  92. Olekazeisn't it mate in 15
  93. dax00the 13 is forced
  94. dax00just checked their solution lol
  95. OlekazeI guess that's it
  96. dax00yeah, mate in 9
  97. dax00only 3 pieces to work with huh
  98. dax00the lion mate is enough to prove WH73 doesn't work
  99. Olekazeis copper block any different
  100. dax00if you play falcon 11-3, the blocks work bc it's a different diagonal
  101. dax00nvm
  102. dax00the blocks are still no good. K54 is the way to go
  103. OlekazeI don't see any way to mate
  104. dax00I'm stuck too
  105. dax00looked at the intended solution. more bad defense
  106. dax00I'll be back tomorrow
  107. Olekazesee you
  108. dax00doubt that #17 has a mate either
  109. dax00this one has a solution, thankfully
  110. dax00I'm happy with that
  111. Olekazeit was pretty good
  112. dax00long mate, this one
  113. OlekazeI don't see anything shorter
  114. dax00cool sequence, so i don't mind
  115. dax00the mate is trivial after this
  116. dax00gotta be some crazy sacrifice
  117. Olekazesolved?
  118. dax00i think solved
  119. dax00so many pieces, #21
  120. dax00well, you can't let the king back into that castle
  121. Olekazelooks forced
  122. dax00definitely forced after the 2nd lion sac
  123. Olekazeshould I delete all other variations
  124. dax00yeah sure
  125. Olekazethe website has a gb instead of a lance for some reason
  126. Olekazei'll fix it
  127. dax00starting to doubt there's a solution
  128. dax00not seeing it
  129. Olekazelet's check the solution?
  130. dax00the book solution misses again. that block is so weakening
  131. dax00K52 is much better
  132. dax00gonna call this no mate
  133. Olekazeagree
  134. OlekazeI think I'm done for today. see you tomorrow
  135. dax00cya tomorrow
  136. dax00I'm stuck
  137. Olekazeme too
  138. dax00should we look at the intended solution?
  139. Olekazesure
  140. OlekazeI can't find anything
  141. dax00yeah seems like it didn't consider the better defense yet again
  142. dax00wanna say this is no mate
  143. dax00that's pretty good
  144. dax00ok, I'm satisfied that mate is forced
  145. Olekazelooks good
  146. dax00delete all the other first moves?
  147. Olekazesure
  148. Olekazelooks solved
  149. dax00typing in the SFEN is a lot faster than using the board editor
  150. Olekazelooks complicated
  151. OlekazeI'd have to memorize the piece abbreviations
  152. dax00lion = N. side mover = M. kirin = O. phoenix = X. reverse chariot = A. go-between = i. the rest are straightforward
  153. Olekazeis that the standard or only for lishogi
  154. dax00just lishogi
  155. Olekazeif you're in the promotion zone you can only promote by capturing right
  156. Olekazeyeah
  157. dax00yeah, stricter promotion rules
  158. OlekazeI can't find a mate
  159. dax00i give up too
  160. dax00did you have a look at the intended solution yet?
  161. OlekazeI looked at the one on the website and it's bad
  162. Olekazeha captures the phoenix on 3
  163. dax00it's the same without taking, just 2 moves faster
  164. Olekazeah makes sense
  165. dax00just need to check K31 now
  166. OlekazeI think it's solved
  167. Olekaze27 I mean
  168. Olekazenever mind
  169. dax00that looks good
  170. OlekazeYes
  171. dax00that lion sacrifice is nasty
  172. dax00is that it?
  173. OlekazeThink so
  174. dax00it's nice seeing 跳 in the notation. that was my suggestion
  175. OlekazeWhy not the kanji from the diagonal mover
  176. dax00it means jumping
  177. OlekazeWhich one
  178. dax00
  179. OlekazeSo it's a jumping falcon?
  180. OlekazeMakes more sense than a horned falcon
  181. OlekazeSee you tomorrow
  182. dax00no, i mean the qualifiers that differentiate when multiple pieces of the same type can reach that square
  183. OlekazeOh makes sense
  184. dax00found a mate for #30 😁
  185. Olekazenice, I guess we can move on to the first 38 puzzles
  187. dax00were there any other tsume problems you wanted to add?
  188. Olekazethis site has 68 problems
  190. Olekazewe did the last 30
  191. Olekazeor maybe 30 is enough
  192. Olekazethere's also there ones
  194. Olekazenot sure I want to do all of them
  195. dax00not sure
  196. OlekazeI could also just copypaste all of them and give the author's solutions without checking them
  197. dax00we've got to at least check solutions
  198. Olekazeare you interested in helping solve the other 38 problems like we did for these ones
  199. dax00yeah i can help
  200. Olekazeok, here's the study