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1Ln-68May 21, 19702Ln-753P-884P-555Ln-67Centralizing the lion is joseki.6P-857P-a88P-a59P-5810P-3511P-3812P-6513H-b814H-b515Ph-8916H-2517Ph-a7Gote must defend himself from the phoenix fork.18GB-9619H-28Developing both horses laterally is not seen much in recent games.20VM-b221D-6b22P-6623Ln-5924Ln-7625P-7826Ph-5427Kr-7928D-4329D8a-7b30C-4231P-7732Lnx!7733Kr-8a34Ln-6535Ln-7736Ln-8437Ln-8738GB-9539Ln-7740C-5341Kr-7942C-6443R-8a44D-7245P-8746R-8347P-8648H-a449Kr-8850Ln-9651Ph-8952Lnx86-7553VM-aa54FK-5355Lnx66-6756Ln-8457Ln-7758Kr-7359Ph-7960FK-3161GB-9762Kr-7563Ln-8764D43-6365P-6866S-9267Ph-7a68P-c569P-c870SM-c471SM-c972P-b573C-4b74Ln-a675Kr-7776Krx7777Lnx7778D63-6279P-6780H-b481GB-9682Ln-8483C-5a84R33-5385C-6986VM-3387S-9b88C-6589C-7890P-7591P-6692C-6493C-67The kifu ends here. The whole game may have been lost.
Source: (Chapters 1-16) (Chapters 17-22)
Chat room
  1. WassimBerbarthank you a lot, we will learn a lot from these games
  2. CouchTomato👍
  3. TepinEven 2008's kifu are incomplete
  4. WassimBerbarit doesn't matter, the beginning is more concerning because there are more pieces
  5. WassimBerbarin the endgame, it will almost exactly be as in chess
  6. CouchTomatonot quite
  7. CouchTomatoevery piece promotes, unlike in chess
  8. CouchTomatoThere's also a bare king rule -- it doesn't seem like that's implemented in lishogio though
  9. WassimBerbarIMO in the endgame you would launch an attack after around 150 moves to promote a few pieces and go for the royal pieces
  10. WassimBerbarbecause I noticed the games didn't finish until move 300
  11. WassimBerbarthat's long
  12. TepinMatsumoto VS Nagasaki had a weird handicap, couldn't make the chapter
  13. WassimBerbarsome principles I also noticed:
  14. WassimBerbar1) bring your lion early
  15. WassimBerbar2) sac pawns
  16. WassimBerbarand 3) trade off pieces to launch attacks
  17. TepinI will continue tomorrow
  18. StrangeBalloonVery cool! Thank you!
  19. Olekazeis the person on the left sente
  20. TepinYes
  21. TepinAll kifu on the Chu Shogi Renmei website have been posted, except for 4 games with strange starting positions.
  22. hydroshadowwow!
  23. hydroshadowvery good resources