Can you solve this???

... No, I'm not making fun of you, pinky promise. This will be the fundamental position you need to know for the upcoming tsume. And if you find these first few puzzles too easy, still stick around please, I'm sure you'll get something out of this lesson ;^ ^
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Welcome to Lady Cloche's classroom. I'll be teaching you how to get better at checkmating your opponents, both the method of learning *and* a good sized collection to get you started.

First tenet of the Koinagi school of tsume shogi: Tsume shogi has nothing to do with how gifted at the game you are. It's simply knowledge of the patterns and your ability to see them in use. If you can't solve a tsume, or can't solve it quickly, it's because you haven't learned the pattern at play well enough or forgot it.

Therefore, think about it these for a couple minutes each to familiarize yourself with the position but don't hesitate to look at and learn from the answer after that. If you can't see the solution quickly, you simply don't know the answer and there is nothing wrong with that. It is a very good idea to come back here or to any of your favorite puzzle collections to review every few days or weeks and keep doing it until you recognize all the puzzles and can solve them almost instantly. That'll be the best way to eventually master the patterns and notice when they apply to your real games.

This lesson's theme is atamakin. The puzzles are chosen with a carefully thought out order which allows your knowledge of the pattern involved to grow bit by bit, I think it'll be helpful for anyone who doesn't already have upper dan-level tsume skills!

Source material: www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDR-5rxv3n0. Numbered puzzles are from Koinagi, intermission puzzles made by me. If you can understand japanese i recommend watching the video first then using this study to study alongside.
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Chat room
  1. Xiangqi_fanChapter 6: maybe it should be a Dragon instead of Horse
  2. lady_clocheOh, sorry - that was embarassing. Fixing it
  3. lady_clocheCan't believe i made a mistake like that
  4. lady_clocheactually, now that i think about it, ill remove that puzzle
  5. DiptaRisingThis is an excellent study
  6. DiptaRisingThank you so much
  7. DiptaRisingIt's helping me a lot
  8. DiptaRisingI'll do it over and over till I learn everything!!
  9. guacenshogiWho is or what is Koinagi?
  10. DiptaRisingwww.youtube.com/watch?v=sDR-5rxv3n0&t=28s
  11. DiptaRising@lady_cloche was kind enough to both translate and organize that video into a nice study for us
  12. planinMany thanks, good study!
  13. hastenice puzzles
  14. tsukiThank you for the puzzles
  15. jukeubabsolutely amazing, if you need help with translating more stuff for these classrooms, I'd love to help out :)
  16. lady_clochei made this study private for now since i want to rewrite it and rerelease it
  17. lady_clochesometime later
  18. lady_clochei might release them all at the same time when im done
  19. jukeubi keep this in my rep to practice roughly every other day, so I think it would be really powerful if you did have like 3 or 4 "sets" to do
  20. jukeubif you need more material, I have 将棋トレーニング from 藤井聡太 if you need some more material
  21. jukeublol I just realized I said that twice
  22. jukeubnice