Yagura destroyer

  1. Introduction
  2. Step to build up
  3. -- Chapter1 --
  4. 1-1: S-68
  2. jienjien
  3. matane
  4. KillerDucky

Third File Rook

16 - Klyeth -
  1. Introduction
  2. Normal 3rd File 1: Basics
  3. Normal 3rd File 2: vs Climbing Silver
  4. Normal 3rd File 3: vs Ureshino Style
  1. Klyeth

White's Fourth File Rook (non-Fujii System Types) 【Takodori's Book Lines】

15 - ShogiExplained -
  1. 1: Rapid attack - Sente's left Silver with S-4f
  2. 2: Rapid attack - Early engagement(Hayajikake) with P-4e
  3. 3: Rapid attack - Bogin(climbing Silver)
  4. 4: Rapid attack - Yamada's Joseki with B-9g
  1. takodori
  2. ShogiExplained

Current Gote's Shikenbisha vs Sente's Ibisha Anaguma 【Takodori's Book Lines】

15 - ShogiExplained -
  1. Old Fujii System
  2. Current Fujii System
  3. Latest Shikenbisha Anaguma vs Ibisha Anaguma
  1. takodori
  2. ShogiExplained

Beat Gote's Ibisha Anaguma with Sente's Shikenbisha Anaguma 【Takodori's Book Lines】

13 - ShogiExplained -
  1. 1-1: Gote 26. S-4d with G6a-5b sometime before
  2. 1-2: Gote 24. S-4d with G6a
  3. 2-0: Gote 26. P-4d with 30. G4c
  4. 2-1: Gote 26. P-4d with 30. G4c - Pawn push sacrifice and counter-attack with 42
  1. takodori
  2. ShogiExplained

Sickle Weasel Strategy (Kamaitachi Opening)

11 - Tepin -
  1. Eishun Suzuki (Game 1)
  2. Eishun Suzuki (Game 2)
  3. Eishun Suzuki (Game 3)
  4. Eishun Suzuki (Game 4)
  1. Tepin

Static Rook vs Gote's Shikenbisha with Bishop Exchange 【Takodori's Book Lines】

11 - ShogiExplained -
  1. 1.1-1: Sente's S-7g at the 15th move
  2. 1.1-2: Sente's P-4f at the 15th move
  3. 1.1-3: Sente's G4i-5h at the 15th move - 1
  4. 1.1-4: Sente's G4i-5h at the 15th move - 2
  1. takodori
  2. ShogiExplained

How to avoid Kakugawari (Bishop Exchange Opening)

9 - Kakori -
  1. Introduction
  2. Furibisha's Bishop Exchange
  3. Delayed Rook Pawn
  4. Gote - Yokofudori (Side Pawn Picker)
  1. Kakori

Rook-Lance Handicap Joseki

5 - Tepin -
  1. Main Line, Classical Play
  2. Main Line, Variation #1
  3. Blocking Line, Variation #1
  4. Blocking Line, Variation #2
  1. Tepin

Bishop Handicap Joseki

4 - Tepin -
  1. Yagura, Variation #1
  2. Premature Attack by Uwate
  3. Yagura, Variation #2
  4. Nakahura (Meijin) vs Oza (Amateur Champion)
  1. Tepin

Aperturas Torre estatica

2 - scamax -
  1. Apertura Ataque Alas
  2. Apertura Alfiles Salvajes
  1. scamax

Rook Handicap Joseki

2 - Tepin -
  1. Right 4th-file Rook
  2. Right 4th-file Rook, Variation 1
  3. Right 4th-file Rook, Variation 2
  1. Tepin