[Opening] Climbing Silver by will1v1_ttv

25 - will1v1_ttv -
  1. Climbing Silver Opening
  2. Primitive Climbing Silver (HIDETECHI)
  1. will1v1_ttv

Right Hand King (Bishop exchanged) | A summary

11 - Splnter -
  1. Introduction
  2. Chapter 1: The basics of Bishop Exchange
  3. Chapter 2: Right Hand King basics
  1. Splnter
  2. can_castle_beat_Ai
  3. kagurilla47

Bishop Style Bishop Exchange

4 - Splnter -
  1. Introduction
  2. Chapter 1: Getting in position
  3. Chapter 2: If they take
  4. Chapter 3: R-75 variation.
  1. Splnter

Gin Kammuri/Silver Crown

5 - OxImad -
  1. Chapter 1
  1. OxImad

Third File Rook

16 - Klyeth -
  1. Introduction
  2. Normal 3rd File 1: Basics
  3. Normal 3rd File 2: vs Climbing Silver
  4. Normal 3rd File 3: vs Ureshino Style
  1. Klyeth

driv3r's Study

1 - driv3r -
  1. My study lines
  1. driv3r

How to avoid Kakugawari (Bishop Exchange Opening)

9 - Kakori -
  1. Introduction
  2. Furibisha's Bishop Exchange
  3. Delayed Rook Pawn
  4. Gote - Yokofudori (Side Pawn Picker)
  1. Kakori